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Our Research: Bring AI from research papers to products

Artificial Intelligence is gradually changing the way we live by integrating into many widely used products. As a product-focused development company, we do invest in this new technology by implementing new researches and bringing existing AI technology to production.

Our Researches: Bring AI from research papers to products

Pose estimation and analysis

Pose estimation can be used in many applications in various fields such as posture correction, activity recognition in real-time sport event, robot training, game and animation production. We have trained popular pose estimation model and optimize them to use in IoT devices.

AI based remote proctoring

Along with the emerging trend of digitalization, education industry also adjust its activities to fit with the remote setting. We have been researching ways to support online exam proctoring using AI technology such as face recognition, eye tracking, head pose detection, etc. We are looking forward to applying these features into your online testing system, learning management system, online interview, and so on.

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Realtime Face AR on mobile device

Face AR is no longer a secret technology that only big tech companies like Snapchat, Facebook can use. Our research in realtime video processing enables us to implement AR effect on realtime video call that run on mobile device. These features are ready to implement into video conference application, virtual try-on for E-commerce site and more.

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