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    How to Undo Commits Safely in Git: Git Reset and Git Revert Explained

    Introduction In software development, mistakes in commits happen more frequently than we would prefer. Imagine you are working on a feature branch and accidentally commit sensitive information, like an API key, or commit in the wrong branch. You quickly realize the need to undo these changes, but as you search for solutions, you come across two common commands: git reset and git revert. Each offers a way to return, but which is right for your situation? In this article, SupremeTech will explore both commands, how they work, when to use them, and how to decide which approach best addresses your specific needs. Three trees in Git Before getting started, it’s important to understand Git's internal state management systems, called “Git’s three-tree”: Working Directory: This is the workspace on your local machine, it reflects the current state of your files and any changes made that have not yet been staged or committed. You can see changes in the Working Directory with git status.Staging Index: This space holds a snapshot of changes ready to be committed. After you’ve made changes in the Working Directory, you can add them to the Staging Index with git add.Commit History: This is the timeline of saved changes in your project. When you use the git commit command, it takes the changes from the Staging Index and adds them to this history as a new commit. Figure 1. The Git’s three-tree The animation above demonstrates Git's three-tree structure by showing the creation of file1.js and committing it as C1. We add two more examples: file2.js as a C2 commit and file3.js as a C3 commit. These three commits will be used throughout the article as we explore git reset and git revert commands. Figure 2. Visualizing Git's three-tree with three commits Undoing commits with git reset The git reset command allows you to undo changes in your working directory by moving the branch tip back to a specific commit and discarding all commits made after that point. Figure 3. Visualizing the git reset command After running the command git reset HEAD~1, you’ll notice two changes: The branch tip has moved to the commit C2.The latest commit (C3) has been discarded from the commit history. The HEAD~1 is a way to reference the commit before the current HEAD. You can use similar syntax to go back further, like HEAD~2 to go back two commits from HEAD. Alternatively, you can specify a particular commit using its hash ID. The next question is where did the changes from C3 commit go? (the file3.js in this example). Did it delete permanently, or is it saved somewhere? This is where the git reset flags come into play. Bypassing one of the following flags, you can control the changes: --soft: It undoes the commits in the history and places the changes back in the Staging Index, ready to be committed again if needed. Figure 4. Visualizing git reset command with --soft flag -—mixed (this is the default option): It is similar to—-soft but also clears the Staging Index. This means any changes from the discarded commits are left unstaged in the Working Directory, requiring you to re-add them before re-committing. Figure 5. Visualizing git reset command with --mixed flag --hard: This option clears all changes from both the Staging Index and Working Directory and resets the codebase to match the specified commit without making any modifications. Figure 6. Visualizing git reset command with --hard flag By using git reset, you've successfully undone a specific commit. However, try to push these changes to the remote repository with a regular git push. You’ll get an error because the local commit history no longer matches the remote. To push these changes, you need to use a force push (git push --force). While this command will update the remote branch, it comes with risks - it can overwrite the remote history, creating potential issues for other developers. To avoid these problems, let’s explore a safer alternative: Undoing public commits with git revert The git revert command is an undo command, but it doesn’t work like the git reset. Instead of removing a commit from the project history, it creates a new one containing the inverse of the original changes. Figure 7. Visualizing the git revert command The result of running the command git revert HEAD is a new commit that undoes the changes made in the C3 commit. Since the C3 commit added file3.js, the revert will effectively delete this file. In short, running git revert HEAD will bring your code back to its state at the C2 commit. You can prevent git revert from automatically creating a new commit by using the -n or --no-commit flag. With this option, the inverse changes are placed in the Staging Index and Working Directory, allowing you to review or modify them before committing. Figure 8. Visualizing git revert command with --no-commit flag The git revert command allows you to go back to previous commits without removing any mistake commits. It doesn’t re-write the project history. Because of this, this command should be used to undo changes on a public branch. What is the difference between Git Reset vs. Git Revert? The difference between git reset and git revert is that git reset should be used to undo changes in your local history, while git revert should be recommended for undoing changes on a shared or public branch. Both git reset and git revert are commands for undoing changes, but they work differently in key ways: git resetgit revertHow it worksReverts to a previous state by removing the specified commit.Reverts to a previous state by creating a new commit with inverse changes.OptionsOffers --mixed, --soft, and --hard flags to control how changes are handled.Offers --no-commit to add inverse changes without automatically committing them.UsageRecommended for undoing changes in your local history.Recommended for undoing changes on a shared or public branch. Conclusion By now, you should clearly understand how to undo changes in a Git repository using git reset and git revert. In short, use git reset for local-only history changes, and use git revert to undo changes on a shared branch safely. Choosing the right command for your situation lets you keep your project history clean and ensures smoother collaboration with your teammates.



    Huy Nguyen K.



    • Knowledge
    • Software Development

    How to Undo Commits Safely in Git: Git Reset and Git Revert Explained



    Huy Nguyen K.



    Software Development


      Integrating IAP with Other Features in React Native

      Following the series about React Native IAP (In-App Purchases), in this article we will discover how to integrate IAP with other features. Integrating In-App Purchases (IAP) with other features in a React Native application can enhance user engagement and maximize revenue. This article will explore how to combine IAP with other monetization methods, sync IAP data with backend services, and use IAP data to personalize user experiences. We'll provide examples and code snippets to illustrate these integrations. Let's explore other articles in this series. Implementing IAP (In-App Purchases) in a React Native App Best Practices for React Native IAP (In-App Purchases) Combining IAP with Other Monetization Methods To diversify revenue streams, you can combine IAP with other monetization methods like ads and affiliate marketing. Example: Combining IAP with Ads You can offer an ad-free experience through IAP while still generating revenue from users who prefer the free version with ads. Integrate Ad SDK: Use a library like react-native-google-mobile-ads to display ads. import { BannerAd, BannerAdSize, TestIds } from '@react-native-google-mobile-ads'; const AdComponent = () => ( <BannerAd unitId={TestIds.BANNER} size={BannerAdSize.FULL_BANNER} requestOptions={{ requestNonPersonalizedAdsOnly: true, }} /> ); 2. Offer Ad-Free Purchase: Create an in-app purchase for removing ads. const productIds = ['com.example.remove_ads']; const buyRemoveAds = async () => { try { await RNIap.requestPurchase(productIds[0]); } catch (err) { console.warn(err.code, err.message); } }; // Example button to trigger purchase <Button title="Remove Ads" onPress={buyRemoveAds} />; 3. Conditional Rendering: Check if the user has purchased the ad-free version and conditionally render ads. const [adsRemoved, setAdsRemoved] = useState(false); useEffect(() => { const checkPurchase = async () => { const purchases = await RNIap.getAvailablePurchases(); setAdsRemoved(purchases.some(purchase => purchase.productId === productIds[0])); }; checkPurchase(); }, []); return ( <View> {!adsRemoved && <AdComponent />} {/* Other app components */} </View> ); Syncing IAP Data with Backend Services Syncing IAP data with a backend service helps maintain user purchase records, validate transactions, and provide a seamless experience across devices. Backend Setup: Create a simple backend to handle receipt validation and store purchase data. Here’s an example using Node.js and Express: const express = require('express'); const bodyParser = require('body-parser'); const app = express(); app.use(bodyParser.json()); app.post('/validate-receipt', async (req, res) => { const { receipt } = req.body; // Validate receipt with Apple/Google servers const isValid = await validateReceiptWithStore(receipt); if (isValid) { // Store purchase data in database await storePurchaseData(receipt); res.json({ success: true }); } else { res.json({ success: false }); } }); const validateReceiptWithStore = async (receipt) => { // Placeholder for actual validation logic return true; }; const storePurchaseData = async (receipt) => { // Placeholder for storing data logic }; app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server running on port 3000')); 2. Client-Side Validation: Send the receipt to your backend for validation after a purchase. const validateReceipt = async (receipt) => { try { const response = await fetch('https://your-server.com/validate-receipt', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ receipt }), }); const result = await response.json(); return result.success; } catch (error) { console.warn('Validation error', error); return false; } }; useEffect(() => { const purchaseUpdateSubscription = RNIap.purchaseUpdatedListener(async (purchase) => { const receipt = purchase.transactionReceipt; if (receipt) { const isValid = await validateReceipt(receipt); if (isValid) { // Complete the purchase await RNIap.finishTransaction(purchase, false); } } }); return () => { purchaseUpdateSubscription.remove(); }; }, []); Using IAP Data for Personalized User Experiences IAP data can be leveraged to personalize the user experience, making the app more engaging and tailored to individual preferences. Unlocking Features: Use IAP to unlock premium features. const [premiumUser, setPremiumUser] = useState(false); useEffect(() => { const checkPurchase = async () => { const purchases = await RNIap.getAvailablePurchases(); setPremiumUser(purchases.some(purchase => purchase.productId === 'com.example.premium')); }; checkPurchase(); }, []); return ( <View> {premiumUser ? ( <PremiumContent /> ) : ( <RegularContent /> )} </View> ); 2. Personalized Offers: Provide special offers based on past purchase behavior. const [specialOffer, setSpecialOffer] = useState(null); useEffect(() => { const fetchSpecialOffer = async () => { const purchases = await RNIap.getAvailablePurchases(); if (purchases.length > 0) { // Fetch special offer from backend based on purchase history const response = await fetch('https://your-server.com/special-offer', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ userId: user.id }), }); const offer = await response.json(); setSpecialOffer(offer); } }; fetchSpecialOffer(); }, []); return ( <View> {specialOffer && <Text>{specialOffer.description}</Text>} </View> ); Conclusion Integrating IAP with other features in a React Native app can greatly enhance user engagement and revenue. By combining IAP with ads, syncing purchase data with backend services, and using IAP data for personalization, you create a more dynamic and user-friendly experience. Following these practices ensures that your app not only generates revenue but also provides value to your users, leading to higher satisfaction and retention.



      Linh Le



      • Software Development

      Integrating IAP with Other Features in React Native



      Linh Le

      troubleshoot issues in react native iap


      Software Development


        Troubleshooting Common Issues in React Native IAP

        Hi tech fellows, this is the third article in the React Native IAP series. Using in-app purchases (IAP) in a React Native app can be complex. Despite careful planning, various issues can arise during development and after deployment. This guide will help you troubleshoot issues in React Native IAP, ensuring a smoother experience for your users and fewer headaches for you. Implementing IAP (In-App Purchases) in a React Native App Best Practices for React Native IAP (In-App Purchases) 1. Network Issue Network issues are common, especially in mobile environments. These problems can interrupt purchase flows and frustrate users. Solution: Implement Retry Mechanisms Ensure your app can handle network disruptions gracefully by implementing retry mechanisms. For instance, if a purchase fails due to network issues, inform the user and provide an option to retry. 2. Interrupted Purchases Purchases can be interrupted for various reasons, such as app crashes or users closing the app mid-transaction. Solution: Handle Pending Transactions Check for and handle pending transactions when the app restarts. This ensures that any interrupted purchases are completed or properly reverted. 3. Receipt Validation Receipt validation is crucial to ensure that purchases are legitimate. However, developers often face issues with validation, leading to rejected transactions or fraud. Solution: Implement Server-Side Validation While client-side validation can be a quick check, server-side validation provides an additional layer of security. Here's a basic example of how you might handle this: Client-Side: Server-Side: 4. Product Configuration Issues Sometimes, products do not appear in your app because of misconfigurations in the app stores. Solution: Double-Check Configurations Ensure that your product IDs match exactly between your app and the store. Also, confirm that the products are approved and available for purchase. 5. Platform-Specific Bugs Bugs can be platform-specific, affecting either iOS or Android but not both. Solution: Test on Both Platforms Always test your IAP functionality on both iOS and Android. Utilize device simulators and real devices to cover a range of scenarios. Keep an eye on the library's GitHub issues page, as many common bugs are reported and discussed there. 6. User Cancellations Users might cancel purchases midway, leading to incomplete transactions. Solution: Handle Cancellations Gracefully Detect and manage canceled transactions by informing users and reverting any app state changes made in anticipation of the purchase. 7. Debugging Tools Debugging IAP issues can be challenging without the right tools. Solution: Use Debugging Tools Utilize debugging tools like Reactotron or Flipper for React Native. These tools help you log and inspect API calls, including those made by the react-native-iap library. 8. Updates and Deprecations Libraries and APIs are frequently updated, which can lead to deprecated methods and breaking changes. Solution: Keep Your Library Updated Regularly update the react-native-iap library and other dependencies. Check the library's documentation and changelog for updates and breaking changes. This ensures that your implementation remains compatible with the latest versions of React Native and the app stores' requirements. Conclusion Troubleshooting issues in React Native IAP involves addressing network issues, handling interrupted purchases, ensuring proper receipt validation, and managing platform-specific bugs. By implementing robust solutions and using appropriate tools, you can resolve common issues effectively, ensuring a smoother and more reliable purchase experience for your users. Regular updates and thorough testing across both iOS and Android platforms are key to maintaining a successful IAP system in your app.



        Linh Le



        • Software Development

        Troubleshooting Common Issues in React Native IAP



        Linh Le



        Software Development


          Implementing IAP (In-App Purchases) in a React Native App

          Hi coders, this is the first article in a series about React Native IAP (in-app purchases). Implementing in-app purchases (IAP) in a React Native app can significantly enhance your app's monetization strategy. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up IAP in a React Native application, providing an overview of popular libraries, and detailing how to handle different types of purchases. Setting Up In-App Purchases in React Native To begin with, you need to choose a reliable library that facilitates IAP in React Native. One of the most popular options is react-native-iap. This library supports both iOS and Android, making it a versatile choice for cross-platform apps. Step 1: Installing react-native-iap First, you need to install the react-native-iap library. You can do this using npm or yarn: After installing the library, link it to your project: For React Native 0.60 and above, auto-linking takes care of this step. Step 2: Configuring Platforms iOS Configuration: Open your project in Xcode.Go to your project settings, and under the "Capabilities" tab, enable "In-App Purchase".Make sure your app's bundle identifier is registered with Apple, and your IAP products are configured in App Store Connect. Android Configuration: Make sure your app's package name is registered with Google Play.Configure your IAP products in the Google Play Console.Add the following permission to your AndroidManifest.xml: Step 3: Implementing IAP in Your App With the library installed and platforms configured, you can now implement IAP in your React Native app. Import the library: 2. Initialize the library and fetch products: This code initializes the IAP connection and fetches product details from the store. Handling Purchases: To handle purchases, you need to set up purchase listeners and manage the purchase flow. Making a Purchase: You can trigger a purchase using the product ID. Handling Different Types of Purchases Consumable Products: Consumable products are items that can be purchased multiple times, such as coins or gems. After the purchase is verified and processed, you need to call RNIap.finishTransaction to finalize it. Non-Consumable Products: Non-consumable products are items that can only be purchased once per user account, such as a "Pro" upgrade. The purchase flow is similar, but you should ensure that users cannot repurchase the same item. Subscriptions: Subscriptions are recurring purchases. To handle subscriptions, you'll need to check the subscription status periodically and provide appropriate access based on the subscription state. Conclusion Implementing in-app purchases in a React Native app involves several steps, from installing and configuring the react-native-iap library to handling various types of purchases. By following the steps outlined above, you can add a robust IAP system to your app, enabling new monetization opportunities. Remember to thoroughly test your IAP implementation and handle all edge cases to provide a seamless experience for your users. Throughout your implementation process, adapt where necessary to get the best result. Or contact us for in-app purchase solutions in a mobile app.



          Linh Le



          • Software Development

          Implementing IAP (In-App Purchases) in a React Native App



          Linh Le




            How to come up with the best ideas for apps and app features

            While some software development teams are lucky to work for a client with clear needs, many teams developing apps have a significant hurdle to overcome regarding ideation. Even when they have specific requests from a client, there's still plenty of creativity required to bring the app to life. So, how exactly do you generate the best ideas for app concepts and app features that resonate with the audience and consistently turn a profit? Let's discuss: Refer to personal problems One of the best ways to generate app ideas is to look inward and identify the problems you’re yet to solve. For example, maybe you have a mixed dish you'd like to prepare in your boiler/pressure cooker, but you're unsure which setting to use. After trying a few, you may settle on a particular setting with some slight editing, like switching back to warm/simmer for a short time or alternating between settings. As you have more dishes like this, memorizing all this information could become tricky. And maybe some friends have different approaches that work too. Source: Upsplash Accordingly, you could create a recipe book app where people can sign up and share their varying methods of preparing similar dishes. They can even collect clips from other sites in one central location and categorize them in any way they like. Ultimately, it should be a problem that many other people face too. An app idea that makes your life easier but doesn't do the same for many others may not be viable. Examine existing apps This method of idea generation can take one of two major routes. The first is where you look for inadequacies in an existing app and work on creating a new one that addresses those gaps. For instance, a sketchpad app may have only one type of pencil, yet some users would like to make lines of varying thicknesses. In that case, you can create a new sketching app that enables users to work with numerous shades, thicknesses, and other drawing capabilities. The second route is building an app that provides a complementary service instead of doing what the original app does. For example, you may stumble upon an e-commerce app that offers only two payment methods at checkout. And after checking through the reviews, you realize that many users would like more flexibility in this area. Consequently, you can work on a wallet app that allows users to deposit funds from various sources. After that, you can approach different e-commerce apps and have them integrate your wallet app with their systems so shoppers can pay using your app. Essentially, you haven't created a new e-commerce app but rather a payments app that plugs into e-commerce apps. Scrutinizing apps on the market helps produce some of the best ideas for app features for teams with an app idea. Collaborative brainstorming One main reason why many people struggle with app idea generation is they only have a piece of an idea rather than the entire concept. For instance, when you say you want to create a fitness app, it may seem like you've narrowed your thoughts to a specific category. However, within the fitness field, there are several possible app ideas. You can make an app that tracks fitness metrics or suggests workouts. Additionally, you can offer an app that focuses on cardio or stretching or provides alternatives like Yoga. And lastly, you can create a fitness app that offers consultation with human experts or advice from a preset library. So whenever you’re ideating, it’s vital to interact with other people, especially those you’re likely to work with during app development. These people can help flesh out your ideas into something more relevant. In addition, collaborative brainstorming can reduce the time and money spent on follow-up research. Source: Unsplash They can help point out who's already making something similar to what you just suggested, which names have already been trademarked, any particular regional regulations that prohibit certain ideas, etc. Consult industry experts Though many people try to think of app ideas that would have mass appeal, sometimes the most viable ideas are those speaking to a specific industry. For example, the desire to create a frictionless health insurance process remains a priority for hospitals/medical practices and insurance firms. In other industries that deal with delicate machinery subjected to extreme conditions, monitoring apps are of utmost importance since they help preempt catastrophes like fires, poisonous gas leaks, water damage, and more. Source: Unsplash In that spirit, it's crucial to read about the technological strides made in different industries, then sit down with experts to find out what's lacking. From doctors to civil engineers, pharmacists to lab technicians, several professionals can reveal a problem that could be solved with an app. Observe the development process Some of the best ideas for apps have been produced by development teams that were trying to solve internal problems related to communication, record-keeping, cybersecurity and more. For example, the widely popular app Slack started as a simple internal communication tool for a team designing an online game. This app has enjoyed massive acclaim and financial success while the game the team was working on was eventually shut down. If the team wasn't very self-aware and good at pivoting, they'd have missed out on a great opportunity, but luckily, they knew how to notice the instances where they were solving their problems sufficiently. Therefore, some of the best app ideas result from app development challenges. Wrapping Up There are many other ways to come up with amazing app ideas, such as tracking financing and support from venture capital firms, accelerators and incubators, attending events like hackathons and other meetups, browsing app stores, and checking review sites and social media platforms, among others. You can also delegate this fundamental step to a software development team. At SupremeTech, we know how to work with clients to create something out of nothing, so if you’d like to produce a resonant app but don’t know where to start, contact us for a free consultation.





              How to come up with the best ideas for apps and app features






                How to select the right team for your app development project

                Embarking on a development project is no small feat. However, once you're done narrowing down on a project and choosing your target market, the real work of developing your app starts. If you are not tech-savvy and rely on a third party to build your app, the pressure can be overwhelming since their work can break your project. Imagine having to pick a whole team instead of one developer. You need to figure out where to start, who to be on your team, or what aspects to prioritize. This article will examine some helpful tips for selecting the right team for your app development project. 1. Scan the market If you want to put together the right software development team for your app, you need to be willing to invest a lot of time in a thorough search. Luckily, we live in a highly digital era, so information is at your fingertips. You don't even need to search very far. However, the availability of a multitude of choices can be both a bad and good thing. If you are an indecisive person, you can get lost in various options. Therefore, you need to have a list of priorities to narrow your search. For example, you can start by choosing a few preferred locations where applicants should come from. With the advent of working from home, you can pick developers from all over the world. Location Location matters for a variety of reasons. For instance, different regions have different prices, professional styles, and approaches to work. For example, IT firms in Ukraine employ highly competent programmers, use cutting-edge technology, have all the required legal paperwork, have flexible office hours, and charge between $29 and $50 per hour. Companies in convenient locations would be better for in-person meetings and progress checking. Although technology has advanced to the point that a virtual meeting can be just as good as a face-to-face one, some people prefer that personal touch and need to know they can check in on their teams anytime. 2. Focus on portfolios Once you have narrowed your choices to less than ten service providers, you can start looking at portfolios. Portfolios are an excellent way to investigate a development team's deliverables extensively. For example, you can see if they keep up with industry trends and technological advancements, the tech stack they use, and whether previous clients were satisfied with their products. In addition, you can see whether they have done projects like yours and how successfully they met all the requirements and standards of previous projects. With featured portfolio projects, you can even look at reviews from end users. After all, the app you're developing is for them. You need to know if the project was successful on paper and in terms of usability and practicality. Furthermore, competent development teams should have case studies ready, so you can have a more rounded understanding of previous projects, how it was created and where the firm stands in terms of awareness of current market trends. 3. Get a second opinion As we mentioned, picking an app development team is a massive task with many long-term implications. It's not something you can back out of along the way if you realize they are not a good fit unless you have bundles of money lying around, and even then, the change could set you back a lot in terms of time wasted. For this reason, always get a second opinion from an external and preferably unbiased person. Your opinion can be biased in many cases because you consider many factors like the budget, leaning towards friends or acquaintances, or location. An external individual would help you to make the best business decisions. If you are tech-savvy, then a second opinion is crucial because you need the eyes of a person who is well-versed in the technical side of app development. 4. Set a budget You can't deny it; money is a significant factor in picking the right app development team. So naturally, no one wants to spend more than they must. However, this does not mean that you should be a penny pincher. Most times, the higher the price, the higher the quality of the service. Although, if you are a small startup, this should not discourage you. A wealth of developers can develop an impressive app without breaking the bank. Your job is to start the search as early as possible so that you can find the hidden gems. Once you select affordable teams, you can continue shortlisting them based on different factors. 5. Request for a minimum viable project These days, it is common for firms to offer an MVP development model if they want to collaborate with you on your project. With this model, you can quickly and affordably test the market for your innovation before you commit to anything long-term. An MVP caters to a more modest initial project and can help you identify your product's most fundamental yet crucial features. The incredible thing about minimum viable projects is that they allow for scalability and additional development, providing you with the option to move forward with the project at a more transparent and reasonable pace. 6. Look into post-release services provided by different development teams The work of a development team continues once they hand over the project to the client. Once a project is launched, the app development team needs to remain in close contact with a client to ensure that everything is running smoothly, especially if the client needs to be better-versed in the tech-related aspect of the project. However, different development firms offer different levels of support. Ensure you are aware of the post-launch technical assistance each company offers.   Some provide support on-demand, while others provide 24/7 service, which is generally more expensive, and some may even provide no support. Normally, on-demand support should be sufficient to guarantee you receive the assistance you require following the app launch. 7. Go with your gut feeling At the end of the day, all factors are constant; there will be some development teams that you will lean toward more than others. However, if you interact with a qualified team and immediately build a good rapport or rhythm with them, you should put them on your top 5 list. Why? Because developing an app is not a short endeavor. Therefore, having a good team with which you can connect and communicate openly, honestly, and transparently is best. If you take the above tips into consideration, there is no reason you shouldn't find the right app development team for your project. If you are still deciding, please contact us for a free consultation.





                  How to select the right team for your app development project



                  the difference between create react app vs next js


                  Software Development


                    Create React App vs Next JS and how to pick the right tool

                    Hello tech fellows, this week we’re gonna discuss React project management. So, you've decided to jump into the exciting world of React to build some awesome web applications. Fantastic! But now you're faced with another decision: which tool should you use to set up and manage your React project? Two popular options are Create React App (CRA) and Next.js. Let's break down the differences between them in a simple and easy-to-understand way to help you make the right choice for your project. Create React App (CRA): The Quick and Simple Start No Configuration Hassle Create React App (CRA) is like the magic wand for React beginners. Why? Because it's all about simplicity. With CRA, you don't have to stress over complex configurations. It follows the principle of "zero configuration" and gives you a sensible default setup to start building your React app right away. Ideal for Quick Projects If your goal is to whip up a quick prototype or you're working on a small to medium-sized project, CRA is your friend. It's perfect for those who just want to focus on writing React code without diving into the intricacies of build configurations. Ejecting: The Point of No Return Now, here's a bit of a catch. If you ever feel the need for more control over your project's configuration, CRA lets you "eject." Think of it as opening the hood of your car to tinker with the engine. However, beware – once you've ejected, there's no turning back. It's a one-way street to configuration freedom. In a nutshell, CRA is your go-to if you're starting small, want things straightforward, and don't plan to venture too deep into the configuration rabbit hole. Next.js: The Flexibility Maestro Customize to Your Heart's Content Enter Next.js, the tool that's all about flexibility. If CRA is the simple sedan, Next.js is the sports car that you can customize to fit your preferences perfectly. Next.js offers more control over your project's configuration, allowing you to tweak things just the way you like. Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG) One of Next.js' standout features is its support for server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG). What's the big deal? Well, SSR enhances your application's performance by rendering pages on the server, while SSG generates static HTML files for improved SEO and faster page loads. Routing Made Easy Next.js simplifies routing with its file-system-based approach. Want to create dynamic pages effortlessly? Just organize your files, and Next.js takes care of the rest. No need to navigate a complex maze of route configurations. Ideal for Bigger Projects Next.js is like the superhero swooping in to save the day when your project needs more firepower. If you're working on a larger application or require advanced features like SSR and SSG, Next.js is your trusty sidekick. How to Decide: The Simple Checklist 1. Project Size: CRA: Best for small to medium-sized projects.Next.js: Ideal for larger projects with advanced requirements. 2. Configuration Comfort: CRA: Perfect if you prefer a hands-off approach to configuration.Next.js: If you want more control and enjoy tinkering with configurations, Next.js is the way to go. 3. Advanced Features: CRA: Keeps things simple, may not provide advanced features like SSR and SSG out of the box.Next.js: Excels in providing SSR and SSG, making it suitable for performance-oriented and SEO-friendly applications. 4. Routing Needs: CRA: Follows conventional routing.Next.js: Simplifies routing with a file-system-based approach. 5. Learning Curve: CRA: Low learning curve, great for React beginners.Next.js: Slightly steeper learning curve due to increased flexibility and advanced features. Conclusion: Choosing Your React Adventure In the end, the choice between Create React App and Next.js boils down to your project's specific needs and your personal preferences. If you're just starting out and want a quick and simple setup, CRA is your friend. On the other hand, if you're ready to explore the vast landscape of React possibilities, especially for larger projects with advanced features, Next.js is the flexible companion you're looking for. If you're looking for other alternatives to Create React App, evaluate carefully based on your needs as well. Remember, both CRA and Next.js are fantastic tools in their own right, each catering to different needs. So, whether you're cruising down the simplicity lane with CRA or taking the scenic route of flexibility with Next.js, buckle up, enjoy the ride, and let your React adventure begin!



                    Linh Le



                    • Software Development

                    Create React App vs Next JS and how to pick the right tool



                    Linh Le

                    key skills to look for when hiring golang developers


                    Software Development


                      Key Skills and Qualities to Look for When Hiring Golang Developers

                      Welcome back to the SupremeTech's blog! In the wild jungle of tech, finding the ideal Golang developer is like discovering a rare gem. Golang, or Go for the pals, is the programming language that keeps it simple and snappy. So, when you're hiring Golang developers, what are the secret ingredients to brew up the perfect code concoction? Buckle up as we take you on a fun safari through the must-haves! Read more: The benefits of building chatbots with GolangCross-Platform Mobile Development with Golang: Build Native Apps 1. Good with Golang (of course) First and foremost, a Golang developer must be proficient in the language itself. This includes a deep understanding of Go's syntax, data structures, and libraries. Candidates should be able to write clean, efficient, and maintainable Go code. Proficiency in Golang is the foundation upon which all other skills are built. 2. Strong Problem-Solving Skills Golang developers are often tasked with solving complex technical problems. They should have strong problem-solving skills and the ability to think critically. These skills are essential for debugging issues, optimizing code, and developing efficient solutions to various challenges. 3. Knowledge of Concurrency and Goroutines One of the standout features of Golang is its support for concurrent programming through Goroutines and Channels. Golang developers must be well-versed in working with concurrency to take full advantage of the language's capabilities. This skill is crucial for building highly responsive and scalable applications. 4. Familiarity with Web Frameworks For web development projects, Golang developers should have experience with popular Golang web frameworks like Gin, Echo, or Revel. Familiarity with these frameworks is important for building web applications efficiently and following best practices. 5. Database Knowledge Furthermore, Golang developers often need to interact with databases. Knowledge of database systems, SQL, and NoSQL databases is valuable. Understanding how to write efficient database queries and work with database models is crucial for data-driven applications. 6. Understanding of DevOps and Automation DevOps practices are increasingly common in modern software development. Golang developers should have some knowledge of DevOps tools and practices, as they may be responsible for automating deployment processes or creating infrastructure as code. See more: Golang for DevOps: Empowering Infrastructure as Code and AutomationAutomating Deployment of GoLang Applications 7. Version Control Proficiency Version control systems like Git are essential tools for collaboration and code management. A Golang developer should be proficient in using Git for code versioning and collaboration with the development team. 8. Testing and Debugging Skills Thorough testing and debugging are vital to delivering high-quality software. Golang developers should be adept at writing unit tests, integration tests, and conducting effective debugging to identify and resolve issues in the codebase. 9. Knowledge of Design Patterns Understanding software design patterns is valuable for creating well-structured and maintainable code. Familiarity with design patterns such as Singleton, Factory, and Observer can help Golang developers make informed architectural decisions. 10. Effective Communication and Collaboration Soft skills are equally important when hiring Golang developers. Effective communication, collaboration, and the ability to work well in a team are qualities that can greatly influence project success. Golang developers should be able to discuss their work, provide and receive feedback, and work together to solve problems. 11. Adaptability and Continuous Learning The tech industry is ever-evolving, and Golang developers need to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and changes in the language and the industry as a whole. A willingness to learn and adapt is a valuable quality in a developer. 12. Attention to Code Quality and Best Practices In addition, Golang developers should have a strong focus on code quality and best practices. This includes writing clean and well-documented code, adhering to style guidelines, and following coding standards. Attention to detail and a commitment to writing high-quality code can save time and effort in the long run. 13. Problem Domain Understanding Depending on the project, a Golang developer may need to have a good understanding of the problem domain. For example, a developer working on a finance-related application should have knowledge of financial concepts and regulations. In summary, when hiring Golang developers, it's important to consider a combination of technical skills and personal qualities. Proficiency in Golang, problem-solving skills, knowledge of concurrency, familiarity with web frameworks, and database expertise are some of the essential technical skills. Soft skills such as effective communication, adaptability, and a commitment to code quality are equally crucial. By evaluating candidates based on these key skills and qualities, businesses can find the right Golang developers to support their projects and contribute to their success. SupremeTech is currently hiring Senior Golang engineer. Apply now!



                      Linh Le



                      • Software Development

                      Key Skills and Qualities to Look for When Hiring Golang Developers



                      Linh Le

                      is flutter good for web development and how to optimize it


                      Software Development


                        Transforming A React App into a Progressive Web App (PWA)

                        Hi everyone, welcome back to SupremeTech's blog. This week we will discuss Progressive Web Apps (PWA) and how to make PWA from a React App. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) have become a game-changer in the world of web development. They offer the best of both worlds: the accessibility of a website and the capabilities of a native mobile app. What is a Progressive Web App (PWA)? Before we dive into the process of creating a PWA from your React app, let's clarify what a PWA is. A Progressive Web App is a web application that offers a native app-like experience to users. PWAs own some optimal characteristics: Reliable: They work offline and in low network conditions.Fast: They load quickly and respond to user interactions smoothly.Engaging: They provide a rich, app-like experience.Safe: They are served over HTTPS, ensuring data security.Discoverable: They can be indexed by search engines. Steps to Transform Your React App into a PWA Now, let's discuss the steps you need to follow to turn your React application into a Progressive Web App. 1. Create a React App If you haven't already, create a React application using a tool like Create React App. This will be the foundation for your PWA. 2. Enable HTTPS PWAs must be served over HTTPS for security reasons. You can obtain a free SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt or use a hosting service that provides SSL certificates by default. 3. Add a Web App Manifest The web app manifest is a JSON file that provides information about your PWA. Create a manifest.json file in the public directory of your React app. Here's a basic example: This manifest file provides information about your PWA, such as its name, description, and icons. 4. Register a Service Worker Service workers are JavaScript files that run in the background and enable features like offline functionality and push notifications. Create a service worker file, such as service-worker.js, in the public directory. Here's a basic example of a service worker that caches assets for offline use: Next, you need to register the service worker in your React app. Add the following code to your app's main JavaScript file (e.g., index.js): Next, you need to register the service worker in your React app. Add the following code to your app's main JavaScript file (e.g., index.js): This code checks if the browser supports service workers and registers the service worker if it does. 5. Implement Offline Functionality With the service worker in place, your PWA can now cache assets and work offline. When users visit your PWA, the service worker will cache resources, allowing them to access your app even when they're not connected to the internet. 6. Enable Push Notifications To enable push notifications, you'll need to use a service like Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) or OneSignal. These services provide the infrastructure for sending and receiving push notifications in your PWA. Integrate the service of your choice into your React app and follow their documentation to enable push notifications. 7. Test and Optimize Testing is a crucial part of PWA development. Use browser developer tools to inspect your service worker, test offline functionality, and verify that push notifications work as expected. Additionally, run your PWA through Lighthouse, a tool that audits web app performance and PWA features, to identify areas for optimization. 8. Deploy Your PWA Once you've tested and optimized your PWA, it's time to deploy it to a hosting service. Services like Netlify, Vercel, or GitHub Pages make it easy to host and serve your PWA. Conclusion Turning your React application into a Progressive Web App is an effective way to improve user experience and offer a more app-like interface to your audience. By following these steps, we hope that you can unlock the benefits of offline functionality, push notifications, and enhanced performance for your web app. PWAs are a valuable addition to the modern web development landscape, and making the transition is well worth the effort. Happy coding! Check out SupremeTech's case study on Progressive Web App development: Online Retailing Transformation for a Japanese Coffee ChainEnhancement of Mobile Order Experience for A Coffee Chain Contact us for custom web app development.



                        Linh Le



                        • Software Development

                        Transforming A React App into a Progressive Web App (PWA)



                        Linh Le



                        Software Development


                          Finding a software developer? Here’s the 5 fastest steps!

                          If you are looking for high-skilled software developers for your company, or you want to form a lab team for a short project, this article would certainly help! Here comes the 5 necessary steps in finding a software developer! Define Your NeedsSource Candidates EffectivelyScreen and EvaluateHighlight Culture and CompensationSmooth Onboarding and Growth 1. Define Your Needs As Detailed As Possible Before embarking on the quest for your ideal software developer, it's crucial to define your project's specific needs. This step forms the bedrock of a successful recruitment journey. By identifying the precise skills, qualifications, and experience required, you set the stage for effective candidate evaluation. Imagine you're launching an e-commerce platform. Your ideal software developer should possess expertise in e-commerce platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce, coupled with proficiency in relevant programming languages such as JavaScript and CSS. It's noteworthy that job postings with clear and detailed descriptions receive 30% more applications, according to LinkedIn. This underscores the value of articulating your needs accurately. 2. Sourcing Candidates Effectively: Casting a Wide Net Armed with a clear understanding of your needs, the next step is to cast a wide net to source potential candidates. Harness various channels to connect with a diverse pool of talent. Job boards, online platforms, and professional networks offer an array of opportunities to engage with developers actively seeking new challenges. Statistics from a Stack Overflow survey reveal that more than 70% of developers are open to new job opportunities. This statistic underscores the significance of platforms like LinkedIn, known for being a professional networking powerhouse. It's here that developers showcase their skills and accomplishments, making it a fertile ground for finding the perfect fit. 3. Screening and Evaluation: Identifying the Best Fit Once potential candidates emerge, the process of thorough screening and evaluation commences. This phase is crucial to ensure alignment between the selected developers and your project's technical and cultural requirements. Begin by meticulously reviewing resumes and portfolios to gauge their experience and skill sets. However, the evaluation process shouldn't stop there. Incorporating technical assessments and coding tests can provide insights into their problem-solving abilities. A study by Google suggests that structured interviews, employing standardized questions and evaluation criteria, enhance the accuracy of predicting a candidate's future job performance. This data-driven approach minimizes bias and enhances the overall quality of candidate selection. 4. Highlighting Culture and Compensation: A Dual Focus In today's competitive job market, enticing software developers requires more than just attractive compensation; it entails highlighting the cultural and value alignment between the candidate and your company. Showcasing your company's mission, vision, and the impactful projects they could be part of can ignite a deeper connection. While cultural alignment is essential, compensation remains a pivotal factor. According to Glassdoor, 67% of job seekers consider salary and benefits to be the most critical elements when evaluating job offers. Crafting a competitive compensation package, including perks like remote work options and professional development opportunities, enhances the overall appeal of your offer. 5. Smooth Onboarding and Continuous Growth: Nurturing Excellence As you finalize your selection and extend an offer, ensuring a seamless onboarding process is paramount. Effective onboarding involves transparently communicating job expectations, responsibilities, and the company's core values. Research by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) indicates that standardized onboarding processes lead to 50% greater new-hire productivity. Yet, the journey doesn't conclude with onboarding; it morphs into nurturing continuous engagement and growth. Assigning developers to challenging projects that match their expertise fosters growth and innovation. Providing avenues for continuous learning equips them with the latest skills and knowledge. Additionally, offering a well-defined career advancement pathway demonstrates your commitment to their professional development. A Strategic Pathway to Excellence In the dynamic landscape of software development, securing top-tier talent is a strategic approach. Following our 5-step strategy – understanding your needs, effective candidate sourcing, meticulous screening, cultural and compensation emphasis, and fostering growth – positions you for resounding success in software developer recruitment. Each step intertwines with the next, creating a robust framework for a successful recruitment journey. The process goes beyond mere transactions; it's a partnership that fuels innovation, elevates projects, and propels your company toward sustained growth. As you implement this strategy, remember that you're not just finding a software developer; you're forging a collaboration that will shape your technological landscape. SupremeTech provides in-house lab team for your business Are you looking for a team of high-skilled developers for a short project? You want to optimize cost, yet achieve business goals? You seek for the best technology solutions without wasting time recruiting and training a new crew? Contact us for a personalized and fully-functional lab team! We would consult and choose the right people for your custom needs.





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                          Finding a software developer? Here’s the 5 fastest steps!



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