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Mini Apps – Ứng Dụng Công Nghệ Là Chìa Khoá Thành Công Với Doanh Nghiệp Của Bạn (Part 3)



Giới thiệu

Chào các bạn, như vậy sau 2 bài viết trong chuỗi Seri tìm hiểu về Line Mini App của mình, chắc hẳn mọi người cũng đã nắm được cơ bản về việc tạo channel cũng như khởi tạo LIFF app rồi. Ở bài viết này, chúng ta sẽ tìm hiểu cách để triển khai ứng dụng LIFF app theo đề bài ban đầu.

Tạo một ứng dụng chuyên tích điểm dành cho khách hàng thường xuyên check-in tại cửa hàng, và khi khách hàng đạt ngưỡng một số điểm nhất định, chúng ta sẽ gửi thông báo tới khách hàng và tặng khách hàng mã Voucher giảm giá sản phẩm, với yêu cầu đơn giản này, chúng ta hãy cùng xem ứng dụng mini app có thực sự tiện lợi không nhé.

Đọc kỹ yêu cầu, chúng ta có 2 yêu cầu chính trong ứng dụng này.

  • Chức năng tích điểm khi check-in tại cửa hàng, mỗi khi khách hàng tới cửa hàng sẽ nhấn nút check-in và hệ thống sẽ lưu lại và tặng điểm cho mỗi lần khách hàng thực hiện thao tác này.
  • Chức năng gửi Voucher cho khách hàng khi tích đủ số Point nhất định.

Lựa chọn giải pháp

Khi tiến hành với việc triển khai giải pháp bằng việc lựa chọn công nghệ thích hợp, việc đầu tiên chúng ta cần phải nghĩ tới ngay đó là hiệu quảchi phí vận hành. Rõ ràng, có rất nhiều giải pháp để triển khai một hệ thống, tuy nhiên để cân bằng trạng thái P/P (Price-Performance Ratio – tỷ lệ cân bằng giữa giá và hiệu suất) là điều rất cần thiết.

Ở bài này, chúng ta sẽ cùng tìm hiểu về một trong những giải pháp đáp ứng được P/P, đang được rất nhiều hệ thống nhỏ sử dụng hiệu quả, giải pháp liên quan tới CloudServerless, cụ thể trong bài viết này, chúng ta sẽ cùng tìm hiểu và triển khai về AWS Cloud và Serverless (Lambda + API Gateway)

Dưới đây là mô hình AWS infrastructure cơ bản để demo sản phẩm này.

AWS Cloud và Serverless (Lambda + API Gateway)

Giải thích thành phần:

  • API Gateway: cổng kết nối trung gian dịch vụ giữa ứng dụng LIFF và các dịch vụ bên trong (Lambda), là nơi thiết kế các API truy xuất dữ liệu.
  • CloudFront: là CDN dùng để kết nối tới các host chứa dữ liệu, dữ liệu bài viết này là source code của ứng dụng Web, chúng ta sử dụng Single Page Web App cho ứng dụng sắp triển khai.
  • S3: hiện là nơi lưu trữ dữ liệu source code của web app (SPA).
  • Lambda: là một dạng computing được viết theo từng function, thay cho máy chủ để tính toán, truy xuất dữ liệu từ DB và trả về kết quả, chúng ta không cần máy chủ trong ứng dụng này, mọi chi phí sẽ dựa theo lượng request sử dụng.
  • DynamoDB: là cơ sở dữ liệu (Database Engine) lưu trữ thông tin của user, trong khuôn khổ bài viết này, chúng ta sẽ lưu trữ số Point của end-user.
  • CloudWatch: là nơi lưu trữ log của Lambda và dùng để trigger sự kiện theo schedule, ở bài viết này chúng ta sẽ dùng CloudWatch trigger mỗi 5 phút/ lần để gửi mã Voucher thử nghiệm nếu user đã đủ point.
  • Messaging API: Là API do LINE cung cấp, dùng để gửi message tới user đang sử dụng LINE app và đã đăng ký với channel ứng dụng của chúng ta đang triển khai.
  • LIFF SDK: là SDK dùng để tích hợp với Web app mà ta sẽ triển khai.

Như vậy, chúng ta đã đi sơ qua các thành phần và giải pháp sẽ triển khai ứng dụng, bước tiếp theo chúng ta cần đăng ký tài khoản AWS và cùng thử xem sơ qua cách tính chi phí vận hành của ứng dụng với mô hình này nhé.

Tìm hiểu về AWS và đăng ký tài khoản

Ở phần trên, chúng ta sẽ thực hiện giải pháp sử dụng AWS Cloud làm mô hình Serverless cho ứng dụng, để bắt đầu, bạn cần hiểu sơ về AWS Cloud.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) là nền tảng đám mây toàn diện và được sử dụng rộng rãi nhất, cung cấp trên 200 dịch vụ đầy đủ tính năng từ các trung tâm dữ liệu trên toàn thế giới. Hàng triệu khách hàng—bao gồm các công ty khởi nghiệp tăng trưởng nhanh nhất, các tập đoàn lớn nhất cũng như các cơ quan hàng đầu của chính phủ—đều tin tưởng vào AWS để giảm chi phí, trở nên linh hoạt hơn và đổi mới nhanh hơn.

Đăng ký tài khoản AWS của bạn ngay.

Sau khi đã đăng ký được tài khoản, bạn tiến hành đăng nhập, để đảm bảo tuân thủ Security Best Practice, bạn không nên sử dụng Root user, nhưng trong phạm vi khuôn khổ bài viết, chúng ta sẽ sử dụng root user để triển khai. Đừng quên tìm hiểu thêm lý do vì sao không nên xài root user.

Giao diện đăng nhập AWS sau khi đăng nhập thành công sẽ như thế này.


Như vậy là xong, bạn đã hoàn tất việc tạo 1 tài khoản AWS, lưu ý, mọi dịch vụ trên AWS đều có thể mất phí, vì vậy bạn cần hiểu rõ về dịch vụ mình cần sử dụng, để không mất quá nhiều tiền cho sản phẩm thử nghiệm của mình nhé, trong khuôn khổ bài viết chúng ta không thể phân tích chi tiết về phí dịch vụ, nhưng hãy luôn lưu ý vấn đề này khi sử dụng AWS Cloud.

Kết thúc

Trong khuôn khổ bài viết này, chúng ta đã hình dung được mô hình cấu trúc (AWS infrastructure) AWS khi triển khai ứng dụng LIFF App cùng với Serverless. Ở bài tiếp theo, chúng ta sẽ xây dựng một ứng dụng và triển khai (deploy) ứng dụng này lên Cloud, các bạn cùng chờ bài viết tiếp theo nhé.

Cùng đón đọc các phần trước của series này nhé!

Author: Kiet Vo

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shopify app bridge



    A to Z about Shopify App Bridge

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Shopify App Bridge allows you to add some custom tricks while keeping the rules. Here are some common features, offered by this framework, which make you manage your stores better with less effort. Embedded App Experiences: Merchants can access and interact with third-party app functionalities without leaving their Shopify dashboard.Enhancing Shopify Functionality: Adding custom features, automating tasks, or integrating with other services to streamline business operations.Customizing Shopify Admin Interface: Merchants can tailor their dashboard to their specific needs and preferences, improving efficiency and productivity.Cross-Platform Integration: It supports integration across various platforms, including web, mobile, and other third-party applications. This minimizes the effort spent when it comes to change in business strategy or platform migration.Improving User Experience: It eliminates the need for merchants to switch between different interfaces, leading to a more intuitive workflow. Therefore, the customers will be served faster.Enhanced Security: The bridge includes built-in security features to ensure that only authorized users and apps can access sensitive data within the Shopify ecosystem. In short, Shopify App Bridge offers tools for store customization beyond your wildest imagination. Is it exclusive for developers? Primarily, yes. For a highly-customized solution for large-scale business, maybe yes. However, its use extends to several other groups within the Shopify ecosystem: Shopify Merchants: Merchants who use the Shopify platform can benefit from apps built with Shopify App Bridge. These apps enhance the functionality of their Shopify stores, offering additional features, automating tasks, and improving the overall user experience.Shopify Partners: Shopify Partners, including agencies and freelancers, can utilize Shopify App Bridge to create custom solutions for their clients. By building embedded applications tailored to their clients' specific needs, Shopify Partners can provide added value and differentiate their services.Third-Party App Developers: Developers who create apps for the Shopify App Store can use Shopify App Bridge to enhance their app's integration with the Shopify platform. By embedding their apps directly within the Shopify Admin, they can provide a more seamless experience for merchants using their products.E-commerce Solution Providers: Companies that offer e-commerce solutions or services can leverage Shopify App Bridge to integrate their offerings with the Shopify platform. This allows them to provide their clients with a more comprehensive and integrated solution for managing their online stores. Key features of Shopify App Bridge Some of its primary features include: Embedded App Experiences: Shopify App Bridge enables developers to build apps that seamlessly integrate with the Shopify Admin interface. These embedded apps appear directly within the Shopify dashboard, providing merchants with a cohesive and intuitive user experience.UI Components: The framework provides a library of UI components that developers can use to create consistent and visually appealing interfaces for their embedded apps. These components maintain the look and feel of the Shopify platform, ensuring a seamless user experience.App Persistence: Apps built with Shopify App Bridge can maintain state and context across different pages and interactions within the Shopify Admin. This allows for a smoother user experience, as merchants can seamlessly navigate between different app functionalities without losing their progress.Cross-Platform Compatibility: Shopify App Bridge supports integration across various platforms, including web, mobile, and other third-party applications. This ensures that merchants can access embedded app experiences regardless of the device or platform they are using.Enhanced Security: The framework includes built-in security features to ensure that only authorized users and apps can access sensitive data within the Shopify ecosystem. This helps to protect merchants' information and maintain the integrity of the platform.App Bridge Action: App Bridge Action is a feature that allows developers to perform actions within Shopify Admin, such as navigating to specific pages or performing tasks, directly from their embedded apps. This helps to streamline workflows and improve efficiency for merchants.App Bridge APIs: Shopify App Bridge provides a set of APIs that developers can use to interact with the Shopify platform and access various functionalities, such as fetching data, managing orders, and updating settings. These APIs enable developers to build robust and feature-rich embedded applications. Conclusion In a nutshell, Shopify App Bridge is a game-changer for developers looking to jazz up Shopify stores. With its cool features like embedded apps, user-friendly UI bits, and the ability to keep things running smoothly even as you hop around the store, it's like the Swiss Army knife of Shopify customization. Plus, it's got your back on security, making sure only the right peeps get access to the good stuff. So, whether you're a developer dreaming up the next big thing or a merchant wanting to spruce up your online digs, Shopify App Bridge has got you covered, making your Shopify journey a breeze! If you are finding a way to boost up your business on Shopify, maybe we can help! Whether it's a Shopify custom development services for large-scale businesses or Shopify custom apps for individual request, we are confident to offer.







      A to Z about Shopify App Bridge

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            OTT App Development: Navigating The Common Revenue Models

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Understanding the Revenue Landscape The revenue landscape for OTT apps is complex and multi-faceted. It entails a variety of revenue models, each with its own unique advantages and challenges. These models determine how the apps generate income, whether it's through user subscriptions, advertising, or pay-per-view transactions. Understanding these models is essential for any business looking to thrive in the OTT space. OTTs app development - Revenue Landscape Key Revenue Models for OTT Apps Custom OTT platforms primarily utilize three revenue models: subscription-based, advertising-based, and transactional models. Subscription-based Model The subscription-based business model is a popular choice in the world of Over-The-Top (OTT) applications. This model, which requires users to pay a subscription fee either monthly or yearly, provides access to a comprehensive library of content. By subscribing, users can enjoy a wide variety of content from different genres and formats, making it a one-stop solution for their entertainment needs. This model is beneficial for the service providers as well, as it guarantees a consistent revenue stream. This predictability of income allows these platforms to invest in acquiring new content, improving their services, and even producing their own original content. Major platforms like Netflix and Hulu use this model. They offer a diverse range of content including movies, TV series from various networks, and their own original productions. OTTs app development - SVOD model Advertising-based Model In the advertising-based model, users get to view the content for free. However, this content comes with advertisements in between. The money comes from these advertisements. Advertisers pay to display their ads within the content. YouTube is a great example of this model. It features content from users, music videos, and more. From a development viewpoint, this model needs strong ad-serving technologies. It also requires algorithms to ensure ads are placed at the right spots. These measures help to increase ad views and clicks, leading to higher revenue. OTTs app development - AVOD model Transactional Model The transactional or pay-per-view model is a revenue strategy in which users make payments for each piece of content they consume. This approach is prevalent on platforms like Amazon Prime, primarily for renting or buying individual movies. It's especially effective for offering premium or exclusive content that users are inclined to pay additional charges for. This model necessitates a reliable and secure payment gateway, along with a robust content delivery network to ensure seamless access to premium content. A well-structured database to manage individual user transactions and preferences is also crucial for personalized content delivery. Challenges in Navigating the Revenue Landscape - Maximizing profit In the OTT app development world, making money can be a big challenge. Developers need to set the right prices to keep users and stay profitable. They also have to deal with content rights, which can be complicated, especially when dealing with different countries. The OTT app development market is also getting more competitive with new players entering all the time. To maximize revenue, it's important to know your audience, choose the right revenue model, and keep improving your app. Staying up to date with market trends and user preferences is also vital. Furthermore, using analytics to understand user behavior and preferences can help in creating personalized experiences and content suggestions, which can increase user engagement and keep them coming back. OTTs app development The Impact of Technological Advancements on OTT Revenue Technological advancements have a profound impact on the OTT revenue landscape. For instance, the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies has enabled OTT platforms to offer personalized content and advertisements, leading to increased user engagement and thereby, higher revenue. Also, the development of secure payment gateways has made transactions more straightforward and safer, encouraging more users to opt for premium content or subscriptions. Conclusion OTT apps have transformed the way we consume media and entertainment, offering users an unprecedented level of convenience and choice. By understanding the revenue landscape and adopting the right strategies, businesses can tap into the immense potential of OTT apps and achieve sustainable growth. Ready to revolutionize your media business and maximize revenue? Explore our comprehensive OTT solution tailored to meet your needs. With subscription-based, advertising-based, and transactional models integrated seamlessly, along with cutting-edge technologies to enhance user engagement and monetization, our OTT solution empowers you to navigate the revenue landscape effectively. Take the next step towards success in the OTT industry today!



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              OTT App Development: Navigating The Common Revenue Models

              Online-to-Offline Retail



                Seamless Retail Bliss: Online-to-Offline Retail with Reserve Online, Pay In-Store

                Online-to-Offline (O2O) retail seamlessly blends digital and physical shopping, catering to modern consumers' preferences. Recognizing the importance of both online convenience and in-person engagement, O2O enables effortless transitions between virtual and real-world experiences. Among 13 commonly-used strategies, Reserve Online, Pay In-Store (ROPIS) is a top key strategy. It allows customers to reserve items online and complete transactions in physical stores, offering added convenience and improved inventory management. However, implementing ROPIS requires addressing security and logistical challenges. Nonetheless, by ensuring a seamless customer journey, ROPIS enhances overall satisfaction and loyalty in the O2O retail landscape. Online-to-Offline (O2O) retail effortlessly merges digital and physical shopping, meeting the changing needs of modern consumers. It enables shoppers to start online, browsing products digitally, and seamlessly transition to in-store experiences. O2O - Reserve Online, Pay In-Store O2O acknowledges the benefits of both online convenience and in-person engagement, allowing consumers to switch between virtual exploration and real-world interaction effortlessly. By combining online and offline strengths, O2O retail delivers unified shopping experiences, building stronger brand connections and catering to the diverse preferences of today's shoppers. So what is Reserve Online, Pay In-Store (ROPIS)? In the previous article, we have mentioned 13 Commonly-Used Strategies, and Reserve Online, Pay In-Store is one of the most common one a business might take a look. A short definition… ROPIS (Reserve Online, Pay In-Store) transforms the Online to Offline (O2O) shopping experience by enabling customers to reserve their desired items online and finalize their transactions in physical stores. O2O - Reserve Online, Pay In-Store With ROPIS, shoppers can browse and select products from the comfort of their homes or on-the-go, securing their purchases digitally before heading to the store for a seamless checkout process. Enhancing the O2O Shopping Experience with ROPIS This not only simplifies the purchasing process but also ensures that the desired items are available upon arrival, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Let’s get dive in: Reserve Online, Pay In-Store ROPIS: A Seamless Shopping Solution ROPIS (Reserve Online, Pay In-Store) bridges the gap between the Online to Offline (O2O) shopping experience, empowering customers to effortlessly reserve their preferred items online and complete their transactions in physical stores. This approach introduces a convenient and flexible dimension to shopping, as customers can browse and select products digitally at their convenience and then seamlessly transition to the tactile in-store environment for finalizing their purchases. Benefits for Consumers and Retailers ROPIS (Reserve Online, Pay In-Store) offers a multitude of benefits for both customers and retailers, enhancing the Online to Offline (O2O) shopping landscape. For shoppers, ROPIS provides added convenience and flexibility by allowing them to reserve products online and complete their purchases in-store, aligning seamlessly with their preferences and schedules. Moreover, by streamlining the shopping process, ROPIS reduces the incidence of abandoned carts and ensures product availability, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction. O2O - Reserve Online, Pay In-Store benefit On the retailer side, ROPIS facilitates improved inventory management and increased foot traffic, as customers are incentivized to visit physical stores to finalize their purchases. This convergence of online convenience and offline engagement not only fosters stronger customer relationships but also drives sales and business growth in the dynamic O2O retail environment. How ROPIS Enhances the O2O Shopping Experience Convenience for Customers Reserve Products Online Customers can browse and reserve products online at their convenience, eliminating the need to visit multiple stores in search of desired items Reserve Products Online - Customers can browse and reserve products online at their convenience, eliminating the need to visit multiple stores in search of desired items.Seamless Transition to In-Store Experience - Upon arrival at the store, customers enjoy a seamless transition from their online browsing experience to the tactile exploration of products, enhancing overall satisfaction. Flexibility in Payment Secure Payment Options ROPIS offers secure payment options, ensuring peace of mind for customers when finalizing their purchases in-store.Ability to Utilize In-Store Discounts and Promotions Customers can take advantage of in-store discounts and promotions when completing their purchases, maximizing savings and enhancing the overall value proposition. Improved Inventory Management Reduction of Abandoned Carts By allowing customers to reserve products online, ROPIS significantly reduces the incidence of abandoned shopping carts, leading to higher conversion rates and increased revenue.Enhanced Customer Satisfaction Through Product Availability Retailers can better manage their inventory and ensure product availability, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Overcoming Challenges and Concerns Addressing Security and Privacy Issues Ensuring the security and privacy of customer data is paramount for retailers as they implement Online to Offline (O2O) strategies like ROPIS (Reserve Online, Pay In-Store). O2O - Reserve Online, Pay In-Store - enhance shopping experience By safeguarding against potential threats and adhering to stringent privacy measures, retailers can instill confidence and trust among shoppers. This trust is essential for fostering long-term customer relationships and encouraging continued engagement with the O2O retail ecosystem. Moreover, prioritizing data security not only protects customers but also safeguards the reputation and integrity of the retailer's brand, demonstrating a commitment to ethical business practices in an increasingly digital world. Managing Inventory and Fulfillment Logistics Efficient inventory management and seamless fulfillment logistics play a pivotal role in ensuring the success of Online to Offline (O2O) strategies such as ROPIS (Reserve Online, Pay In-Store). This necessitates a harmonious coordination between online and offline operations to ensure that products reserved online are readily available for in-store purchase. This seamless integration not only enhances the customer experience but also optimizes operational efficiency, laying the foundation for sustainable growth and profitability in the dynamic O2O retail landscape. Ensuring a Seamless Customer Journey Across Channels Creating a seamless and cohesive customer journey across both online and offline channels is imperative for retailers operating in the Online to Offline (O2O) landscape. This entails minimizing friction points and optimizing every touchpoint of the shopping experience to ensure consistency and convenience for customers. By integrating online and offline channels seamlessly, retailers can provide customers with the flexibility to browse, purchase, and engage with their brand across multiple platforms effortlessly. Whether customers choose to interact digitally or in-person, maintaining consistency in branding, product information, and service quality is key to fostering trust and loyalty. Conclusion Reserve Online, Pay In-Store emerges as a game-changer in the realm of O2O retail, offering unparalleled convenience, flexibility, and satisfaction to both customers and retailers alike. As the retail landscape continues to evolve, ROPIS stands poised to shape the future of shopping, elevating the overall shopping experience to new heights of excellence. Customize your own Reserve Online, Pay In-Store strategy with SupremeTech! SupremeTech specializes in bridging the divide between online and offline commerce for major retail corporations globally. Contact us for your own solutions!







                  Seamless Retail Bliss: Online-to-Offline Retail with Reserve Online, Pay In-Store

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