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5 Tips For Staying Motivated While Working From Home



5 Tips For Staying Motivated While Working From Home

How’s your day been so far? We hope all of you’re doing well and still stay healthy and safe.

With regard to the COVID outbreak in Da Nang, it looks like most of us will be working from home for the foreseeable future. 

Whether you’re home alone and the house is too quiet, or you’re home with the family and the kids are out of control, you may find it’s tough to stay on task, get your work done, and feel productive. 

According to one survey, 91% per cent of employees say they’ve experienced moderate to extreme stress while working from home during the pandemic.

So how could we deal with those distractions? How could we stay focused to help maintain productivity while working from home? And How to keep ourselves happy while working from home?

Here are some tips that can help you stay motivated when you work from home.

1. Get dressed

Get dressed

Pajamas and a comfortable seat on the sofa just don’t provide the same type of motivation you get from a suit and an office chair, right? Then how about taking a shower and getting dressed beautifully like you’re going to rock “the office runway”. Clothes have a strong psychological impact on motivation when we work from home so just change into something that signals to your brain that it’s time to work.

2. Create your own dedicated workspace

Create your own dedicated workspace

Not everyone has a home office and you might be tempted to work in bed. But when you associate your bed with work, it will affect your performance for the whole day. Believe me, reserving your bed only for sleep and … sexual activity, guys.

The kitchen table or a desk beside a shining window of the living room might be better alternatives to your bedroom. Oh and it would be even better if you could find a room where you can actually shut the door when you’re working.

3. Start working with a to do list

Start working with a to do list

Writing out your to do list every morning will make your day look less messing, more manageable and help you stay focused on each task. It also helps to track performance more effectively.

It is really tempting to try to multitask at home, but you’re actually more productive if you focus on one thing at a time.

4. Take breaks

Take breaks

Breaks can help IMMENSELY if you work from home! A 5 or 7 minute break every hour can really boost your energy. At that time, you can focus on an activity that allows you to disconnect from your computer mentally and physically such as: take a short walk, stretch, meditate, eat a healthy snack, or cuddle your pet.

5. Healthy eating

Healthy eating

Make sure you actually eat and drink plenty of water. You’ll never be at your best if you’re exhausted and running on caffeine and sugar only. You need a healthy diet, plenty of rest, and good self-care strategies to perform at your peak. Working from home might be an ideal time to try some fast, fresh and exciting recipes. By focussing on maintaining a balanced diet, we can reap the health benefits no matter our surroundings. And inevitably improve work performance.



Remote work is the new normal for many people when COVID-19 has stopped 7 billions people from performing their work duties in offices. We all know it’s hard to stay focused but how about trying these tips to stay motivated? You may find that working from home can be fun, fulfilling, and highly productive. It can also be an opportunity for you to do your best work in the comfort of your home ^^.

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Efficient ways for increasing working from home productivity



    Efficient Ways For Increasing Working From Home Productivity

    Working from home is no longer a strange concept for many workers in the modern era. Especially when everything is held at a distance after Covid. It has changed many people's thoughts on an ideal workplace, since it gives you more freedom and less formality than the office. If you work from home, you need to find ways to stay productive so you can stay on top of your work and keep yourself motivated. You can maintain your focus throughout the day, even when domestic conveniences pose a temptation, by making a few changes and establishing some new, easy habits. Read our post to know more efficient ways for increasing working from home productivity. The impact of working from home on employee productivity Company opinion and policy toward WFH is the first factor affecting worker output. When workers believe their company cares about them and is committed to their success, they are more likely to put in the time and effort necessary to complete projects successfully and on schedule. When workers don't have to waste time, money, and energy commuting between home and the office, they're able to put that saved time and energy toward getting more work done. Working from home has both positive and bad effects on productivity. Staff performance can be boosted if they have access to modern resources like computers and other office equipment, as well as technical and logistical help. However, research suggests that workplace efficiency may suffer when employees are unable to interact in person with their coworkers. Other elements rely on employees' attitudes and conditions, flexibility can boost productivity if individuals have self-discipline, planning skills, and a desire to work remotely. The impact of Working from Home on employee productivity Although it's possible that working from home has slowed down productivity in the near term, the trend is growing in popularity. Working from home has been shown to increase output in the long run. Remote work management may be improved, and managerial support can boost working from home productivity. Ways to increase employees working from home productivity More user-friendly IT systems Bad user experiences happen to everyone. Whether it's an app that won't work, a website that doesn't provide the information we need, or a form that's nearly hard to fill out. Unusable or unfriendly software might be the cause that reduces productivity. Selecting business software should prioritize usability. User-friendly software works faster than sophisticated solutions that require months to learn. Provide more user-friendly software Access to IT solution if problem arises Some technologies have unquestionably aided in making people more productive in the workplace. Applications that simplify and streamline otherwise laborious procedures are used by many thriving companies. They're equipped with features that make completing everyday activities faster and easier. Flexible working hours When employees are given more flexibility in determining when they get their work done, they are better able to balance their professional and personal lives and spend more time with their loved ones. Which in turn increases their working from home productivity. Work schedules that are flexible Allow certain employees into offices if remote working is a challenge Although telecommuting has been around for some time now, many people still find the system to be unfamiliar and difficult to adjust to. Those who are not provided with adequate tools and time to complete their work will be unable to meet expectations. As a result, businesses with a WFH policy should accept employees' requests to return to office. Assistance with data & Internet Technical factors can affect productivity, as working from home is highly dependent on technology and technical equipment. Telecommuting is the only option for remote workers to maintain contact with their employers. To be able to do work from home, one needs access to consistent power and an Internet connection. Encourage video call meetings When employees have the option to work from home, they are more likely to get their work done since they are not as likely to be stopped or distracted by their coworkers. However, being socially and professionally isolated at home for an extended period of time has a negative impact on productivity. To maintain constant communication and collaboration, video meetings are more crucial than ever. Video conferencing gets people to talk to each other, which boosts morale and makes your employees happier, therefore increasing working from home productivity. Maintain constant communication with video calls Supervise progress regularly Schedule regular, formal one-on-one meetings with your remote team members so that you may discuss their progress, goals, and other relevant topics. The best method of communication for your group's meetings is the one that is most convenient for everyone involved. Establish and stick to a regular schedule for staff meetings by utilizing technology applications (Meet, Skype, Zoom, etc.). Constantly updating the team with short status reports is an option to consider. Checking with your team Make available resources & equipment Not everyone has the ability to invest in themselves a fully equipped office. Many employees only have a standard laptop, not to mention some might not own a personal laptop. Some businesses have permitted workers to take home essentials like computers and seating so that they may remain productive while working remotely. More access to software & documents After the Covid event, when most businesses had to operate remotely, many companies had to constantly find ways to stay productive. One of the many effective ways that will boost working from home productivity without spending so much is to provide access to a wide variety of software and documents. Provide adequate support systems It is also suggested that establishing a reliable support system as a means to enhance the benefits of working from home. When employees are not provided with support and have problems adjusting to working remotely, it can lead to a significant increase in inefficiencies. For employees to be able to carry out their work at home to the highest possible standard, adequate resources are required. We recommend implementing Today.ly - a virtual office space where you could see your coworkers signing in daily and working as a unit, in real-time, just like in a physical office. Provide adequate support systems Employer must consider challenges with working remotely Remote workers benefit from more adaptable schedules, but their employers face different problems. The challenges of poor communication and poor management are not easily overcome. Employers can seek help from a variety of useful resources and methods to promote higher levels of interaction and communication inside their organizations. Questions-to-ask to improve employee's WFH productivity Want to increase productivity work from home? Here are some questions to ask to better understand your employees' needs. What are your thoughts on working from home?What can I do to improve your remote working experience?Is there anyone on the team who has been particularly supportive of your WFH transition?Are the WFH policies clear and concise?Are your daily work objectives clear? Every week?Do you think your teammates and team leaders communicate effectively?Is it easy to contact your teammates and team leaders when you need them?Do you think your team leader supports and trusts you?Do you have all of the necessary equipment and remote tools to complete your work to the best of your ability? If not, what do you require?What is your most difficult WFH challenge?What can leadership do to help you work while you're at home? Conclusion Remote performance management is different from office performance management, but that's fine. As long as you take the time to figure out what works best for you and your team, have the correct thinking, methods, and goals, you may enhance performance without coming across as a bossy leader. Which will in turn make you feel pleased, less worried, motivated, and more capable of achieving your goals. SupremeTech have shared some tips with you in the hopes that they would increase your team working from home productivity. Keep up with us for more insightful and entertaining information.







      Efficient Ways For Increasing Working From Home Productivity

      Productivity app features that resonate with remote workers



        Productivity App Features That Resonate With Remote Workers

        Even as the pandemic fades into the past, remote and hybrid work have remained widely practiced. And one of the main factors underpinning this trend is the emergence of remote working productivity apps that enable teams to perform highly irrespective of individual members' locations. Many of these apps were already used in workplaces before the pandemic, but some gained more acceptance amongst remote workers. That said, let’s discuss the standout features of productivity apps for remote work: eLearning Capabilities One of the trickier aspects of remote work has been how to get new recruits up to speed. Training can be hard to conduct when physical in-person meetings aren’t an option. You must figure out how to transition smoothly from face-to-face conversations to presentations and walkthroughs. Then, there’s the distribution of learning materials. And as always, you eventually have to assess the trainee to determine how ready they are for specific tasks. This is where virtual classroom software has won the hearts of many. The ideal tools, in this case, should enable the trainer to create courses, stock libraries and deliver exams. Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash Top-notch learning management systems also provide ingenious features like surveys and quizzes that keep trainees more engaged during learning and assessment. And to promote flexibility, such tools also facilitate self-paced learning while providing detailed reports and analyses for each trainee. Some popular solutions encapsulating eLearning capabilities include TalentLMS, AbsorbLMS, Trainual, ProProfs LMS and more. Team Building When an entire team is in the same physical workspace, it's easier to organize and hold fun activities outside their work assignments to strengthen bonds and get everyone into a single mission. However, once everyone is scattered across different locations, all this becomes harder. Photo by ål nik on Unsplash In fact, productivity may decrease as some team members feel less heard and spend more time figuring out how to assert themselves. Others may get caught up in a vicious cycle of second-guessing their own ideas and decisions as they feel they have limited guidance. On that note, team leaders need to dedicate some time to team building, and they can do it using apps that provide features like scavenger hunts, puzzles and other games that bring people closer. Common virtual team-building apps include Playmeo, Scavify, Kahoot!, Good & Co Teamwork, Heads Up! and RallyBright. Remember that not all these tools are about playing games. Some deliver quizzes you can use to profile each team member and see how best they can work together based on their individual strengths and weaknesses. Multimedia Communication While email has massively evolved over the years, it still feels like a formal letter. Moreover, the attachment feature doesn’t fully support the wide range of variations in how remote workers interact. For example, a team member overseas may want to share a video feed of their surroundings since they are near a revered landmark or monument. Another team member may receive a work-related message at a party where texting or calling may be inconvenient, but a quick voice note can work. In essence, remote teams need to be able to communicate in a manner that prioritizes their work but also channels the vibe in their respective remote workspaces. Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash This is best achieved with a strategic mix of video conferencing, file sharing, notifications and reminders, text messaging and group chat, postcards and more. To minimize the cold and ultra-serious atmosphere typically associated with work emails, you can try a solution like Today.ly. What’s unique about such a tool is that on top of offering all the typical communication channels, its interface emulates a real work environment. You can see groups meeting in conference rooms and follow how individuals come and go in real-time. The app also enables you to view availability and instantly start a conversation with a teammate by simply clicking on their avatar instead of having back and forth emails for sending meeting links and updating the times on invitations. Task and Process Automation For many remote workers, their schedules are constantly in flux. They aren't considerably detached from other aspects of their life like childcare and home management in the same way that office workers are. Secondly, remote teams often include members in different time zones, so some work needs to be ready and getting submitted at a time when the person working on it is sleeping. This can be something like transferring figures from survey forms into a report, sending out newsletters, populating tables, sending reminders, and more. For the lucky ones, it’s one simple task. But in other cases, the work involves more elaborate processes demanding contributions and approvals from various personnel. Accordingly, task management and process automation tools are the best way to tackle this challenge. But before you start, you need to ascertain the different levels at which automation takes place. Firstly, there's the lower level, where you need automation tools for specific tasks. Photo by Yuyeung Lau on Unsplash A good example is marketing automation tools like ActiveCampaign, MailChimp, HubSpot and Klaviyo for sending emails to customers. Above this level, you’re creating end-to-end workflows involving multiple tasks. Consequently, you’ll need tools like Integrify, ClickUp, Wrike, Kissflow, Smartsheet, Zapier and Adobe Workfront. With such tools, you should look out for those that come with pre-built templates and drag-and-drop builders or an equivalent that requires as little code as possible (preferably no code). This way, anyone in the organization can easily create and edit automations without involving IT. The bigger picture As you can see, depending on an organization’s size and the diversity of work they do, the remote work toolset can quickly expand. From accounting to HR, legal, IT and marketing, plenty of work could use a digital solution or two. Therefore, when shopping for Work From Home (WFH) tools for your teams, you should pay close attention to their integrations. You don’t want to end up with many tools that can't link to each other. This will leave you with more work, constantly transferring data between different software and increasing the likelihood of errors. Lastly, it helps to go for tools that have reliable customer support. It's even better if the support agents are available 24/7 since problems could come in from team members in various time zones. Wrapping Up WFH productivity apps can benefit an organization on various fronts, like increasing efficiency, improving team morale and reducing operational costs. That’s why you should think broadly when choosing them. To get professional assistance in selecting and managing these tools, contact us for a free consultation.







          Productivity App Features That Resonate With Remote Workers

          5 core values of SupremeTech

          Our culture


            SupremeTech’s Core Values: The Foundation of Our Success

            In today's competitive business landscape, organizations must establish a strong foundation of core values. These values define a company’s identity, guide operations, and influence customer, employee, and stakeholder relationships. At SupremeTech, our core values are not only words on a wall. They are the essence of who we are and how we conduct our business. This article will discuss the importance of core values, detail SupremeTech's five core values, and show how they benefit our customers. What is core value? Core values are the deeply held principles that guide an organization’s actions and decisions. They serve as a roadmap for employees, helping to align their behavior with the company’s mission and vision. Core values influence various organizational aspects, from hiring practices to customer interactions, and are essential for creating a cohesive corporate culture. Core values clarify employees' expectations and foster a sense of belonging within the organization. These values create trust and reliability for customers and stakeholders, reflecting the company’s commitment to ethical practices and quality service. Five core values of SupremeTech At SupremeTech, we recognize that our five core values are essential to our success and are vital in shaping our company culture. Ownership and Responsibility One of SupremeTech's cornerstone values is Ownership and Responsibility. Taking ownership of even the smallest tasks is essential for creating new value through our work. This principle encourages employees to be proactive in their roles, ensuring they deliver on promises made to clients and colleagues. Taking ownership means facing responsibilities head-on rather than avoiding them. It fosters a culture where employees feel empowered to make decisions and take action without waiting for direction. This sense of accountability enhances individual performance and contributes to team success. This value results in dependable service delivery for our customers. When our team members take ownership of their responsibilities, clients can trust that their needs will be met with diligence and care. Passion and Challenge At SupremeTech, we believe that Passion and Challenge fuel innovation and drive success. Our employees are encouraged to approach their work with enthusiasm and dedication. We understand that passion leads to excellence. When individuals enjoy what they do, they are more likely to put forth their best efforts. Moreover, we embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Obstacles are inevitable in an ever-evolving industry like technology. However, our team indicates these challenges as chances to learn and innovate. This mindset not only enhances personal development but also drives the company forward. This value shows that our customers can expect passionate engagement from our team members committed to achieving successful outcomes. Our enthusiasm leads to creative solutions tailored to meet client needs. Honor the Truth with an Open Mind Honoring the Truth with an Open Mind is another core value at SupremeTech. We believe in fostering an environment where honesty and transparency are paramount. Employees are encouraged to express their opinions openly while respecting differing viewpoints. This value emphasizes heart-to-heart communication and creates space for constructive discussions. By valuing honesty in all internal or external interactions, we build trust among team members and our clients. This commitment ensures that customers can expect straightforward communication regarding project progress, challenges faced, and potential solutions. Transparency fosters stronger relationships based on mutual respect and understanding. Continuous Learning Continuous Learning is essential for success at SupremeTech in a rapidly changing technological landscape. We encourage our employees to embrace lifelong learning by connecting existing knowledge with new insights. This proactive approach enables us to stay ahead of industry trends while fostering innovation within our teams. Continuous learning helps our team adapt to changes. When new technologies emerge, or market conditions change, our members are ready to adjust quickly. By encouraging a culture that values learning, we empower everyone to grow and improve. This value ensures our customers get the latest solutions based on industry trends. Our focus on continuous improvement leads to better services that meet our clients' changing needs. Be Kind Lastly, Be Kind is a crucial value at SupremeTech. We believe in treating everyone respectfully and aiming for win-win situations in our relationships with colleagues and clients. This value encourages collaboration and creates an inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated. We also prioritize ethical behavior, acting with good intentions and no hidden motives. We build strong, trusting relationships by valuing kindness in all our interactions. This commitment assures our customers that they can expect respectful engagement where their needs come first. Our focus on kindness ensures that every interaction is positive and constructive. In conclusion, SupremeTech's core values guide our internal culture and how we connect with customers and stakeholders. By living these values every day, we strive for business success and meaningful relationships built on trust, respect, and shared goals. As we continue this journey with our clients, we remain dedicated to upholding these principles in everything we do.



            Our culture




              SupremeTech’s Core Values: The Foundation of Our Success

              react native vs kotlin multiplatform

              Software Development


                React Native vs. Kotlin Multiplatform: Which one is better?

                Hi tech fellows! Continuing the series comparing different development frameworks, this week we will talk about React Native vs. Kotlin Multiplatform. The comparison unveils the similarities and differences between the two popular technologies for iOS and Android app. This article will cover these main criteria: PerformanceCompatibility with Native APIsDevelopment ExperienceSuitability for Different Types of ProjectsTime Efficiency Performance: Native vs. JavaScript React Native uses JavaScript and a bridge to communicate with native components. This makes it a solid choice for many applications, but it can face performance issues with complex UI or heavy animations. The JavaScript bridge adds overhead, which may cause delays in rendering or interactions for more performance-intensive apps. React Native is suitable for apps like social media platforms, where performance is important but not critical. Kotlin Multiplatform, on the other hand, compiles shared code to native code. Since Kotlin Multiplatform uses Kotlin, which is native to Android, and compiles seamlessly to native code for iOS, it has the advantage of being closer to the metal. This results in better performance, especially for apps that need to process data quickly or have complex UIs. Therefore, Kotlin is a good choice for high-performance apps, like games. Compatibility with Native APIs: Bridging the Gap React Native provides an easy way to access native APIs through JavaScript. However, it might not have built-in support for every API you need. In such cases, you will have to rely on third-party libraries or write custom native modules. This extra step can increase development complexity, especially if you're dealing with platform-specific features. React Native can handle most native APIs but may require more effort when using platform-specific features. Kotlin Multiplatform offers direct access to native APIs. You can write native code for both iOS and Android where needed. This makes it highly compatible with native device features without relying heavily on third-party libraries or custom modules. It also reduces the chances of compatibility issues since you're working with native code. If your app relies on complex features like camera controls or Bluetooth functionality, Kotlin Multiplatform allows for seamless integration with these APIs. Development Experience: Simplicity vs. Flexibility React Native offers a smoother and simpler setup process. Developers familiar with JavaScript can start building apps right away, making it a popular choice for web developers transitioning to mobile development. Its hot-reloading feature also allows for faster development cycles by letting you see changes in real-time. As a result, React Native is ideal for teams with a strong JavaScript background and those looking to get a product to market quickly. Kotlin Multiplatform provides more flexibility but requires familiarity with Kotlin. Therefore, Kotlin Multiplatform is better suited for experienced developers who want more control over performance and platform-specific code. The learning curve is steeper for developers who aren't used to native development, but it's rewarding for those who need greater control over their code. The ability to share business logic across platforms while maintaining separate native UI components allows more customization. Suitability for Different Types of Projects React Native is great for projects where speed and simplicity are top priorities. It’s widely used for apps where the user interface is relatively simple and consistent across platforms. React Native also has a large community and a wealth of third-party libraries, making it easier to find resources and support. React Native can be a good choice for e-commerce apps or social media apps, where time-to-market and a consistent experience across platforms are more important than maximum performance. Kotlin Multiplatform excels in projects where performance, security, and deep integration with native systems are crucial. It's particularly well-suited for projects where business logic is shared, but UI elements need to be customized for each platform. Kotlin Multiplatform is ideal for fintech or health apps that require a high degree of security, performance, and native features. Community and Ecosystem Support React Native has been around since 2015 and boasts a large, active community. There are many libraries and tools available to make development faster and easier. However, maintaining these third-party libraries can sometimes become an issue, as some libraries may not be updated as quickly as needed. Kotlin Multiplatform is newer but is backed by JetBrains and Google, making it a strong contender in the long run. Its community is growing, but it may not have as many pre-built libraries or resources as React Native yet. However, since Kotlin is the official language for Android, it's likely that support for Kotlin Multiplatform will continue to grow. Conclusion: Which Should You Choose? Choose React Native if:Your team has strong JavaScript experience.You need to get an app to market quickly.Performance is not the most critical factor.You prefer using pre-built libraries for common features.Choose Kotlin Multiplatform if:You want native performance and access to platform-specific APIs.Your project involves complex features or high-performance requirements.You prefer sharing business logic but building platform-specific UI.You want a future-proof solution backed by strong industry support. Both React Native and Kotlin Multiplatform are excellent tools, but your choice should depend on the specific needs of your project. Each framework brings unique benefits to the table, so it’s essential to align your decision with your development goals. SupremeTech provide high-skilled React developers for your project. Book a free consultation with us now!



                Software Development




                  React Native vs. Kotlin Multiplatform: Which one is better?

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