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Understanding What is Cloud Application for Better Workflow



Cloud computing has grown in significance for enterprises of all sizes in the present digital era. By partnering with cloud service providers for their computing requirements, it helps businesses to streamline their processes and boost productivity.

Cloud applications are one of the main elements of cloud computing. But what precisely is a cloud application? We will delve deeper into the idea of cloud applications in this post and examine how they might help companies of all sizes.

What is Cloud Application?

Cloud applications are software programs that can be accessed from any device via the internet. These apps are hosted on remote servers and employ cloud computing technologies to give users access to their data and software from anywhere.

Cloud apps have several advantages over traditional desktop programs, such as scalability, cost-effectiveness, and flexibility. Users may effortlessly interact with others, access their data from anywhere, and enjoy automated upgrades and backups with cloud applications.

Google Docs, Dropbox, and Salesforce are examples of popular cloud applications. Cloud apps are becoming increasingly vital for businesses trying to improve their efficiency, productivity, and bottom line as more enterprises migrate to the cloud.

What is Cloud Application?

Source: Great Learning

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Benefits of Using Cloud Applications

With cost savings, increased collaboration, and enhanced data security, cloud applications can help businesses stay competitive and agile in a constantly evolving business environment.

Accessibility and Remote Work

Remote work and collaboration have been completely transformed by cloud-based technologies. Employees can access their business applications and data using cloud technology from any location in the world as long as they have internet access. For businesses and their employees, this has increased the accessibility and flexibility of remote work.

To exchange and collaborate on documents, presentations, and spreadsheets in real-time, remote workers now primarily rely on cloud applications like Google Workspace, Microsoft Office 365, and Dropbox.

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Benefits of Using Cloud Applications

Source: Balboa Capital

Cost-effectiveness and Scalability

The cost savings that come with using cloud apps are among its most important advantages. Businesses must invest in costly licensing and hardware to run traditional software solutions, which may be a considerable financial strain. On the other hand, cloud applications are often subscription-based, so organizations only pay for what they use.

The requirement for companies to buy and maintain their own servers and storage devices is also removed by cloud apps. This lowers the upfront cost of technology as well as the continuing expenditures of upkeep and updates. All of these responsibilities are handled by cloud service providers, freeing enterprises to concentrate on their core capabilities.

Enhanced Security and Data Protection

To protect the data of their clients, cloud service companies often implement strong security measures. Data encryption, multiple-factor authentication, and regular backups are a few examples of these security methods.

Businesses can also be protected from unexpected events like fires and floods by storing data in the cloud. A disaster could result in the loss of all the data if it is kept on physical devices in one place.

Moreover, data is always available when needed thanks to cloud storage because it can always be accessed from many locations.

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Improved Collaboration and Communication

Team members can work together on the same files and documents in real-time using cloud applications from any location. For remote teams or companies with multiple offices, this is very valuable.

Collaboration with clients and external partners is also made simple by cloud applications. Users can simply share a link to the cloud-based material instead of emailing big files or depending on local storage devices. Version control problems are less likely as a result, and time is saved.

Faster Deployment and Updates

Organizations would need to go through time-consuming and expensive procedures to install upgrades or new software while using traditional software. This procedure frequently required visiting each computer or device and manually installing the updates.

With cloud applications, this isn’t the case anymore. The way businesses conduct software deployment and upgrades have been completely transformed by cloud apps.

Businesses can release changes using cloud applications in a matter of minutes as opposed to days or weeks. This enables businesses to keep one step ahead of the competition and seize fresh possibilities as they present themselves.

Types of Cloud Applications

Here are the three major types of cloud applications, including Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

Types of Cloud Applications

Source: GoodCore Software

Software as a Service (SaaS)

SaaS is a cloud application model that uses the internet to distribute software applications. Salesforce, Google Apps, and Microsoft Office 365 are a few well-known SaaS examples. SaaS may help businesses by lowering IT expenses, boosting productivity, and expanding scalability.

Users don’t need to install or maintain any software on their devices when using SaaS. Instead, they have the option of using a web browser or a mobile app to access the software, which is housed on a cloud server. It does away with the requirement for pricey hardware, software licensing, and IT personnel.

SaaS may, however, have certain negative aspects. Businesses could not have full control over their data because the software is hosted on a cloud server. Additionally, organizations might not be able to fully adjust the program to meet their unique requirements.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a cloud-based program that offers programmers a platform for creating, testing, and deploying unique applications. PaaS offers a full development environment, including tools, frameworks, and libraries to assist developers in swiftly building and deploying applications.

Businesses that need to create unique applications but don’t want to invest in infrastructure or IT personnel might consider PaaS. Heroku, Google App Engine, and Microsoft Azure are a few PaaS instances.

On the negative side, companies might not be able to fully tailor the platform to meet their unique requirements. Additionally, businesses could rely on the platform provider for upgrades and upkeep.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Businesses can access virtualized computer resources, including servers, storage, and networking, through the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud model. Businesses can easily provision and de-provision computing resources rapidly with IaaS, enabling them to scale up or down as necessary. The most prevalent IaaS examples include Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, and Amazon Web Services.

For companies that need to host unique applications or websites but don’t want to invest in real hardware, IaaS is a popular option. Businesses can save money by using IaaS to avoid the expenses of buying and maintaining actual accessories like servers and storage units.

The disadvantage is that enterprises might not be able to completely alter the infrastructure to meet their own requirements.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Source: Enterprise Talk

Conclusion: Adopting Cloud Applications with SupremeTech

SupremeTech recognizes the value of cloud computing for organizations of all sizes. We provide a variety of cloud computing services, such as SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS, to assist enterprises in improving operational efficiency and agility. Our experts can assist you in determining the best cloud computing option for your company and give continuous support to ensure your success.

If you’re interested in implementing cloud applications for your company, get in touch with us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your objectives.

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    NativeScript vs React Native: Comparing Cross-Platform Mobile Development Frameworks

    Hi tech fellows, the comparison series continues to dive in mobile development frameworks. This-week candidates call out NativeScript vs React Native. Both of them offer developers the ability to build apps that run seamlessly on both iOS and Android devices. So let's explore the similarities and differences in this article and make an informed decision when choosing a best fit for your project. Here are the six criteria to compare: Language and Development EnvironmentPerformance and User ExperienceUI Components and CustomizationDevelopment environmentCommunity and Ecosystem SupportPlatform Support and Integration Language and Development Environment NativeScript allows developers to write applications using JavaScript or TypeScript. It provides access to native APIs using JavaScript. React Native uses JavaScript and React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Developers write components in JavaScript which are then compiled to native code. Both NativeScript and React Native empower developers to build cross-platform mobile applications using popular programming languages. NativeScript supports JavaScript and TypeScript, while React Native utilizes JavaScript and the React library. This means developers can leverage their existing skills and knowledge to kickstart their projects. Performance and User Experience NativeScript apps are compiled to native code, which generally provides better performance compared to hybrid frameworks. However, there might be some overhead due to the bridge between JavaScript and native code. React Native also compiles down to native code, but it uses a JavaScript bridge to communicate with native components, which might introduce some performance overhead. UI Components and Customization NativeScript provides UI components that map directly to native components, allowing for a truly native look and feel. It provides a large set of UI components out of the box. React Native also provides access to native UI components, but its component library might not cover all native features. However, it offers a vast ecosystem of third-party libraries and components. Development Environment NativeScript can be used with various development environments including Visual Studio Code, WebStorm, and others. It provides a CLI for project setup and management. React Native has a strong community and excellent tooling support. It comes with tools like Expo and React Native CLI for project setup and management. Community and Ecosystem NativeScript has a smaller community compared to React Native but still has a vibrant ecosystem with plugins and community support. React Native has a large and active community, which means more resources, tutorials, and third-party libraries available. While React Native boasts a larger community and ecosystem compared to NativeScript, both frameworks benefit from active developer communities and extensive documentation. This means you'll have access to resources, tutorials, and support channels to help you overcome challenges and streamline your development process. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting, the wealth of resources available for both frameworks ensures you're never alone on your development journey. Platform Support and Integration NativeScript supports iOS and Android platforms. It also provides some level of support for building web applications. React Native primarily targets iOS and Android platforms, but with the help of libraries like React Native Web, it's possible to target web browsers as well. Additionally, both frameworks offer mechanisms for integrating with native code when necessary, enabling you to access platform-specific features and functionalities. Whether you're targeting a specific platform or aiming for broad compatibility, both NativeScript and React Native provide the tools you need to succeed. NativeScript vs React Native: What should you choose? In conclusion, both NativeScript and React Native offer compelling solutions for cross-platform mobile app development. While NativeScript provides a more native approach with direct access to native APIs and UI components, React Native offers a familiar development experience with its use of JavaScript and React. Ultimately, the choice between NativeScript and React Native depends on your specific project requirements, familiarity with the respective technologies, and personal preferences. Whichever framework you choose, you can rest assured knowing that you're equipped with powerful tools and a supportive community to help you bring your mobile app ideas to life. Or if you need an expert to guide you through, we are here to help! Book a free consultation with us and share your pain-points. Thanks for reading! See you in the next article!







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        OTT App Development: Navigating The Common Revenue Models

        As Over-The-Top OTT app development reshapes media consumption, understanding its revenue landscape is crucial. Explore the intricacies of OTT app revenue models, including subscription-based, advertising-based, and transactional approaches. Discover how technological advancements, like AI and secure payment gateways, are impacting revenue generation. Learn how to overcome challenges and maximize profits in this dynamic industry. Overview of OTT Apps Development Over-The-Top (OTT) app development is revolutionizing the way we consume media and entertainment. These apps, which deliver video content directly over the internet, bypass traditional distribution channels such as cable or satellite TV. They are growing in popularity due to their convenience, as they allow users to access a vast variety of content anytime, anywhere, on any device. Additionally, they offer innovative monetization strategies that are reshaping the revenue landscape of the entertainment industry. Understanding the Revenue Landscape The revenue landscape for OTT apps is complex and multi-faceted. It entails a variety of revenue models, each with its own unique advantages and challenges. These models determine how the apps generate income, whether it's through user subscriptions, advertising, or pay-per-view transactions. Understanding these models is essential for any business looking to thrive in the OTT space. OTTs app development - Revenue Landscape Key Revenue Models for OTT Apps Custom OTT platforms primarily utilize three revenue models: subscription-based, advertising-based, and transactional models. Subscription-based Model The subscription-based business model is a popular choice in the world of Over-The-Top (OTT) applications. This model, which requires users to pay a subscription fee either monthly or yearly, provides access to a comprehensive library of content. By subscribing, users can enjoy a wide variety of content from different genres and formats, making it a one-stop solution for their entertainment needs. This model is beneficial for the service providers as well, as it guarantees a consistent revenue stream. This predictability of income allows these platforms to invest in acquiring new content, improving their services, and even producing their own original content. Major platforms like Netflix and Hulu use this model. They offer a diverse range of content including movies, TV series from various networks, and their own original productions. OTTs app development - SVOD model Advertising-based Model In the advertising-based model, users get to view the content for free. However, this content comes with advertisements in between. The money comes from these advertisements. Advertisers pay to display their ads within the content. YouTube is a great example of this model. It features content from users, music videos, and more. From a development viewpoint, this model needs strong ad-serving technologies. It also requires algorithms to ensure ads are placed at the right spots. These measures help to increase ad views and clicks, leading to higher revenue. OTTs app development - AVOD model Transactional Model The transactional or pay-per-view model is a revenue strategy in which users make payments for each piece of content they consume. This approach is prevalent on platforms like Amazon Prime, primarily for renting or buying individual movies. It's especially effective for offering premium or exclusive content that users are inclined to pay additional charges for. This model necessitates a reliable and secure payment gateway, along with a robust content delivery network to ensure seamless access to premium content. A well-structured database to manage individual user transactions and preferences is also crucial for personalized content delivery. Challenges in Navigating the Revenue Landscape - Maximizing profit In the OTT app development world, making money can be a big challenge. Developers need to set the right prices to keep users and stay profitable. They also have to deal with content rights, which can be complicated, especially when dealing with different countries. The OTT app development market is also getting more competitive with new players entering all the time. To maximize revenue, it's important to know your audience, choose the right revenue model, and keep improving your app. Staying up to date with market trends and user preferences is also vital. Furthermore, using analytics to understand user behavior and preferences can help in creating personalized experiences and content suggestions, which can increase user engagement and keep them coming back. OTTs app development The Impact of Technological Advancements on OTT Revenue Technological advancements have a profound impact on the OTT revenue landscape. For instance, the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies has enabled OTT platforms to offer personalized content and advertisements, leading to increased user engagement and thereby, higher revenue. Also, the development of secure payment gateways has made transactions more straightforward and safer, encouraging more users to opt for premium content or subscriptions. Conclusion OTT apps have transformed the way we consume media and entertainment, offering users an unprecedented level of convenience and choice. By understanding the revenue landscape and adopting the right strategies, businesses can tap into the immense potential of OTT apps and achieve sustainable growth. Ready to revolutionize your media business and maximize revenue? Explore our comprehensive OTT solution tailored to meet your needs. With subscription-based, advertising-based, and transactional models integrated seamlessly, along with cutting-edge technologies to enhance user engagement and monetization, our OTT solution empowers you to navigate the revenue landscape effectively. Take the next step towards success in the OTT industry today!



        Tech news




          OTT App Development: Navigating The Common Revenue Models

          Online-to-Offline Retail



            Seamless Retail Bliss: Online-to-Offline Retail with Reserve Online, Pay In-Store

            Online-to-Offline (O2O) retail seamlessly blends digital and physical shopping, catering to modern consumers' preferences. Recognizing the importance of both online convenience and in-person engagement, O2O enables effortless transitions between virtual and real-world experiences. Among 13 commonly-used strategies, Reserve Online, Pay In-Store (ROPIS) is a top key strategy. It allows customers to reserve items online and complete transactions in physical stores, offering added convenience and improved inventory management. However, implementing ROPIS requires addressing security and logistical challenges. Nonetheless, by ensuring a seamless customer journey, ROPIS enhances overall satisfaction and loyalty in the O2O retail landscape. Online-to-Offline (O2O) retail effortlessly merges digital and physical shopping, meeting the changing needs of modern consumers. It enables shoppers to start online, browsing products digitally, and seamlessly transition to in-store experiences. O2O - Reserve Online, Pay In-Store O2O acknowledges the benefits of both online convenience and in-person engagement, allowing consumers to switch between virtual exploration and real-world interaction effortlessly. By combining online and offline strengths, O2O retail delivers unified shopping experiences, building stronger brand connections and catering to the diverse preferences of today's shoppers. So what is Reserve Online, Pay In-Store (ROPIS)? In the previous article, we have mentioned 13 Commonly-Used Strategies, and Reserve Online, Pay In-Store is one of the most common one a business might take a look. A short definition… ROPIS (Reserve Online, Pay In-Store) transforms the Online to Offline (O2O) shopping experience by enabling customers to reserve their desired items online and finalize their transactions in physical stores. O2O - Reserve Online, Pay In-Store With ROPIS, shoppers can browse and select products from the comfort of their homes or on-the-go, securing their purchases digitally before heading to the store for a seamless checkout process. Enhancing the O2O Shopping Experience with ROPIS This not only simplifies the purchasing process but also ensures that the desired items are available upon arrival, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Let’s get dive in: Reserve Online, Pay In-Store ROPIS: A Seamless Shopping Solution ROPIS (Reserve Online, Pay In-Store) bridges the gap between the Online to Offline (O2O) shopping experience, empowering customers to effortlessly reserve their preferred items online and complete their transactions in physical stores. This approach introduces a convenient and flexible dimension to shopping, as customers can browse and select products digitally at their convenience and then seamlessly transition to the tactile in-store environment for finalizing their purchases. Benefits for Consumers and Retailers ROPIS (Reserve Online, Pay In-Store) offers a multitude of benefits for both customers and retailers, enhancing the Online to Offline (O2O) shopping landscape. For shoppers, ROPIS provides added convenience and flexibility by allowing them to reserve products online and complete their purchases in-store, aligning seamlessly with their preferences and schedules. Moreover, by streamlining the shopping process, ROPIS reduces the incidence of abandoned carts and ensures product availability, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction. O2O - Reserve Online, Pay In-Store benefit On the retailer side, ROPIS facilitates improved inventory management and increased foot traffic, as customers are incentivized to visit physical stores to finalize their purchases. This convergence of online convenience and offline engagement not only fosters stronger customer relationships but also drives sales and business growth in the dynamic O2O retail environment. How ROPIS Enhances the O2O Shopping Experience Convenience for Customers Reserve Products Online Customers can browse and reserve products online at their convenience, eliminating the need to visit multiple stores in search of desired items Reserve Products Online - Customers can browse and reserve products online at their convenience, eliminating the need to visit multiple stores in search of desired items.Seamless Transition to In-Store Experience - Upon arrival at the store, customers enjoy a seamless transition from their online browsing experience to the tactile exploration of products, enhancing overall satisfaction. Flexibility in Payment Secure Payment Options ROPIS offers secure payment options, ensuring peace of mind for customers when finalizing their purchases in-store.Ability to Utilize In-Store Discounts and Promotions Customers can take advantage of in-store discounts and promotions when completing their purchases, maximizing savings and enhancing the overall value proposition. Improved Inventory Management Reduction of Abandoned Carts By allowing customers to reserve products online, ROPIS significantly reduces the incidence of abandoned shopping carts, leading to higher conversion rates and increased revenue.Enhanced Customer Satisfaction Through Product Availability Retailers can better manage their inventory and ensure product availability, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Overcoming Challenges and Concerns Addressing Security and Privacy Issues Ensuring the security and privacy of customer data is paramount for retailers as they implement Online to Offline (O2O) strategies like ROPIS (Reserve Online, Pay In-Store). O2O - Reserve Online, Pay In-Store - enhance shopping experience By safeguarding against potential threats and adhering to stringent privacy measures, retailers can instill confidence and trust among shoppers. This trust is essential for fostering long-term customer relationships and encouraging continued engagement with the O2O retail ecosystem. Moreover, prioritizing data security not only protects customers but also safeguards the reputation and integrity of the retailer's brand, demonstrating a commitment to ethical business practices in an increasingly digital world. Managing Inventory and Fulfillment Logistics Efficient inventory management and seamless fulfillment logistics play a pivotal role in ensuring the success of Online to Offline (O2O) strategies such as ROPIS (Reserve Online, Pay In-Store). This necessitates a harmonious coordination between online and offline operations to ensure that products reserved online are readily available for in-store purchase. This seamless integration not only enhances the customer experience but also optimizes operational efficiency, laying the foundation for sustainable growth and profitability in the dynamic O2O retail landscape. Ensuring a Seamless Customer Journey Across Channels Creating a seamless and cohesive customer journey across both online and offline channels is imperative for retailers operating in the Online to Offline (O2O) landscape. This entails minimizing friction points and optimizing every touchpoint of the shopping experience to ensure consistency and convenience for customers. By integrating online and offline channels seamlessly, retailers can provide customers with the flexibility to browse, purchase, and engage with their brand across multiple platforms effortlessly. Whether customers choose to interact digitally or in-person, maintaining consistency in branding, product information, and service quality is key to fostering trust and loyalty. Conclusion Reserve Online, Pay In-Store emerges as a game-changer in the realm of O2O retail, offering unparalleled convenience, flexibility, and satisfaction to both customers and retailers alike. As the retail landscape continues to evolve, ROPIS stands poised to shape the future of shopping, elevating the overall shopping experience to new heights of excellence. Customize your own Reserve Online, Pay In-Store strategy with SupremeTech! SupremeTech specializes in bridging the divide between online and offline commerce for major retail corporations globally. Contact us for your own solutions!







              Seamless Retail Bliss: Online-to-Offline Retail with Reserve Online, Pay In-Store

              Swift vs react native for mobile app development



                Swift vs React Native for Mobile App Development in 2024

                Hi tech fellows, welcome back to SupremeTech blog. It's been a long holiday for us here in Viet Nam. But we are back, so here we go. When it comes to mobile app development, what language comes to your mind immediately? I believe two giants stand tall: Swift and React Native. But which one should you choose? Let's break it down without the tech jargon. Swift vs React Native: The origins Swift, born from the Apple family, speaks the language of iOS like a native. It's fast, it's sleek, and it's all about that iOS love. It boasts of native performance, modern syntax, and seamless integration with Apple's ecosystem. But React Native? It's the rebel with a cause, using JavaScript to bring harmony between iOS and Android. It bridges the gap between iOS and Android, offering flexibility and efficiency in development. Performance: Native vs Cross-platform When it comes to speed, Swift takes the cake. It's like a racing car, zooming ahead with native performance. Swift enjoys the advantage of native performance, thanks to its direct compilation to machine code. This results in snappy, responsive apps that align closely with iOS standards. React Native, while not inherently native, has made significant strides in optimizing performance. Techniques like Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation and native code modules contribute to smoother user experiences, albeit with a slight compromise compared to Swift in certain scenarios. Development Time and Efficiency Regarding development time, React Native emerges as the frontrunner. Its cross-platform nature allows developers to write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms, significantly reducing time and effort. Swift, however, requires separate codebases for iOS and Android, potentially elongating development cycles. Nevertheless, Swift's native approach ensures precise customization and adherence to platform-specific guidelines, which might justify the additional time investment for certain projects. Community Support and Ecosystem Both Swift and React Native thrive on vibrant communities and extensive ecosystems. Swift developers benefit from Apple's backing and a growing community dedicated to enhancing the language and its ecosystem. React Native, on the other hand, taps into the vast JavaScript community, offering a plethora of libraries, tools, and resources. This robust support system fosters innovation, facilitates problem-solving, and accelerates the development process for both frameworks. UI/UX Design: Native Feel vs Cross-platform Consistency Swift shines in delivering native user experiences tailored to iOS devices. With access to native UI components and seamless integration with Apple's design principles, Swift apps exude elegance and sophistication. React Native, while capable of achieving native-like UI/UX, may exhibit slight discrepancies across platforms due to its bridge-based rendering approach. However, with careful design considerations and customization, React Native apps can deliver cohesive and visually appealing experiences on both iOS and Android. Swift vs React Native: Maintenance and Future-proofing Maintaining and updating mobile apps is an ongoing endeavor, and the choice of framework can significantly impact this process. Swift's separate codebases for iOS and Android necessitate individual maintenance efforts, potentially increasing complexity and resource allocation. React Native's single codebase streamlines maintenance tasks, allowing updates to be applied universally across platforms. This unified approach enhances agility, facilitates feature parity, and future-proofs applications against evolving technological landscapes. Integration with Native Code and Third-party Libraries Both Swift and React Native offer avenues for integrating native code and leveraging third-party libraries. Swift seamlessly interoperates with Objective-C, enabling access to a vast ecosystem of iOS libraries and frameworks. React Native provides a bridge that allows developers to incorporate platform-specific functionalities using Objective-C, Java, or Swift. This flexibility empowers developers to harness the strengths of both frameworks while capitalizing on existing libraries and resources. So, is it Swift or React Native? Despite their differences, Swift and React Native share some similarities in terms of criteria mentioned above. Ultimately, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Whether you opt for Swift or React Native, both frameworks offer distinct advantages and cater to diverse needs within the mobile app development landscape. By weighing the factors discussed herein and aligning them with your project objectives, you can embark on a journey that leads to the realization of impactful, innovative mobile experiences. Need a consultant for your development project? SupremeTech is here to help! When it comes to mobile app development, you are in our good hand. Dive in our success case studies to learn more about us. See you in the next article!







                  Swift vs React Native for Mobile App Development in 2024

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